NovaXyon Affiliate Marketing Making Cash Writing With Associate Advertising! | via Deon Christie | ILLUMINATION | Aug, 2023

Making Cash Writing With Associate Advertising! | via Deon Christie | ILLUMINATION | Aug, 2023


Trust And Recognition With Affiliate Marketing Through Writing!

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Making Money Writing With Affiliate Marketing Means Building Trust
The image was designed with Canva and uploaded in PNG file format by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

What you will learn from this Medium story.

Making money with affiliate marketing and writing.

Using comments to build trust with affiliate marketing.

Writing quality content means making money.

Writing requirements with affiliate marketing.

Making money writing with affiliate marketing conclusion.

Free stuff for my Medium subscribers!

Making money with affiliate marketing and writing.

When you want to be making money with affiliate marketing and writing. You have a really important step, before making any money with affiliate marketing and writing. Always remember that without quality.

Without trust and without reputation there will be no making money with affiliate marketing, be it with writing or otherwise.

There is a whole boring list of ways everyone preaches over and over on YouTube. There are oceans of claims about making money with affiliate marketing. Some methods involve writing.

When in the end it all comes down to reputation and trust. However, there is a “catch”, there always is, right? Before you can build reputation and trust, you need the knowledge to provide the kind of content that solves problems.

This is where the “hard work” part comes in to be making money with affiliate marketing and writing. In order to gather said knowledge, you will test more systems, programs, products, and strategies than you will later care to recall.

But before we carry on, you might be wondering about all the “keyword and search phrase bolding” in this Medium story, right?

Well, we decided to do that so you can have a much clearer picture of exactly how we write Medium stories. Stories that get indexed in search engines. This particular post should be indexed in search engines soon with the H1 header (Title) as the “search phrase”.

We also did another post on how to index Medium stories in search engines. So you might also want to read the Medium story below. We’re just adding the “bolding” with this article to give you a better idea of keyword placement and density.

Anyone wanting to know how to index a Medium story in search engines will now have the perfect example with this Medium story. From keyword placement about making money writing with affiliate marketing to keyword density.

The keywords and search phrases we are targeting have the following number of United States visitors per week in the graphs! We got these stats from Google Trends!

Making Money Writing With Affiliate Marketing Google Trends Making Money Search
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

But when you look in the top left-hand side corner above the keyword or search phrase, you will notice the monthly visitors from the United States.

Making Money (22,200 USA Searches Per Month)

Writing (135,000 USA Searches Per Month)

Affiliate Marketing (201,000 USA Searches Per Month)

Making Money Writing With Affiliate Marketing Google Trends Writing Search
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

That gives us a total of 358,200 United States visitors searching for these keywords. Combined, they form “Making Money Writing With Affiliate Marketing”. But this is just one of many strategies with affiliate marketing and writing.

Now you also know how to reach your target audience for the right keywords and search phrases in your niche. Google Trends. But we’re pretty sure you knew about Google Trends, so, we’re just demonstrating.

Making Money Writing With Affiliate Marketing Google Trends Affiliate Marketing Search
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Medium is one of the best ways we know of when it comes to making money with writing and affiliate marketing. Getting your Medium stories indexed in search engines is just another spectacular benefit of writing on Medium.

However, although Medium allows you to share affiliate offers there are still rules you need to follow. But we have mentioned that a few times, in various Medium stories.

So to avoid repeating ourselves, you can read more about affiliate marketing on Medium in the story below. We cover the concept in much more detail there about making money with affiliate marketing on Medium.

Using comments to build trust with affiliate marketing.

As mentioned earlier, your primary goal is building trust and recognition online. There are a few ways we know of to do that besides commenting and engagement.

Get recognised as a “problem solver”, and you’re halfway “there”. This is why commenting is the perfect place to start. Because quality comments attract profile views.

Profile views in return results in more followers and subscribers. That’s just how this affiliate marketingmachine” works. But we delved much deeper into the entire commenting strategy to build recognition and trust in the Medium story below.

We cannot place enough exclamation on the fact that building trust and recognition is the only “shortcut” to success. Through failure to gather knowledge, you will be able to provide your audience with a reason to trust you.

Zig Ziglar couldn’t have made it clearer!If people like you, they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you, they’ll do business with you!”.

That is another “catch” with affiliate marketing and making money. Be it with writing or otherwise. Without trust and reputation “as a problem solver”.

You might have a pretty hard time making money with affiliate marketing. We know this, because we “failed”, or rather “gathered knowledge” for nearly a decade before succeeding!

Writing quality content means you will make money.

When you provide really great content with affiliate marketing through writing to make money. You want to focus on 4 key elements to base your content on. Especially with affiliate marketing and making money online.

People are mostly searching for content related to the topics listed below. Even outside affiliate marketing and making money online writing, people mostly search the internet for this kind of content.

Solve Problems.

Provide Answers.

Offer Solutions.

Give Away Free Stuff.

This is why we keep hammering on getting recognised and trusted as a “problem solver”, not a salesman. Never forget that people will always remember how you made them feel.

Now we all know the feeling of a problem we have been struggling with for months, suddenly being solved!

It’s like the world that rested on your shoulders, just rolled off. The agony of failure and disappointment is finally clearing up. That “thing” you have been struggling with has just been solved.

Now, ask yourself this, “Will you remember the writer who just solved that problem for you?”. Of course, you would, What a silly question, right? See where this is going? That must be one of the fastest ways to build recognition and trust.

Writing requirements with affiliate marketing.

In a word, transparency. Be as transparent as you possibly can, and never, ever lie to your readers about your achievements. In fact, focus less on sharing your achievements.

And focus more on making sure your readers achieve their goals. That is your purpose if you want to be making money writing with affiliate marketing. Gain your audience’s trust and get recognised as a professional in your field.

Whether you choose writing with Medium to make money with affiliate marketing. Or any other strategy that involves writing and providing content. You must always include the required disclosures.

When you use AI, then be transparent and include an AI content disclosure. When you share affiliate products, include an affiliate disclosure to tell your reader about it.

Basically, it comes down to, “just be honest” with your audience. And always offer them value with both your content and the affiliate product you wish to present to them.

When you promote products with affiliate marketing, especially when it comes to writing. In order to start making money with your affiliate marketing efforts. It comes down to getting the right product in front of the right audience at the right time.

Among some of the writing requirements to build trust and recognition, you will also find the importance of a professional profile. No matter which platform you use, it’s never about the platform.

It is about the quality of your content and how well it solves a problem, along with how professional your profile is. Your profile is your chance to introduce yourself to your audience. A faceless profile has a slim to no chance of building any recognition or trust.

Making money writing with affiliate marketing conclusion.

It all comes down to recognition and trust, which is earned through quality content and solving problems. When you want to make money writing with affiliate marketing.

Being able to create quality content will require knowledge, which is gained through failure. And this might take a while, so, there’s that. Because making money with affiliate marketing is not quite as “easy” as is often suggested.

When you want to leverage writing to make money with affiliate marketing, you want to focus on the kind of content listed below. That is ultimately how you build recognition and trust a little faster.

Solve Problems.

Provide Answers.

Offer Solutions.

Give Away Free Stuff.

But with a faceless or incomplete profile, you will find it increasingly more difficult to build recognition and trust. Will you buy something presented to you by a faceless profile post? Of course, you won’t!

You may also want to consider using the same profile picture, preferably showing your face across multiple networks. That way your Medium audience can recognise you on Quora for instance.

Or recognise you on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or any other professional network. When they remember the “writer on Medium” who “solved a problem”, they will also recognise you elsewhere.

And they still remember how you made them feel, never forget that. Build recognition and trust first and soon you will be making money writing with affiliate marketing.

You do not start affiliate marketing by promoting and flooding every platform on earth with affiliate links. You start making money with affiliate marketing by offering value and solving problems with your writing.

Welcome to the next level of Super Affiliate AI! Embrace the Power of Continual Progress with Done-For-You Content Every Month! Join the AI Campaigns Of The Month! — Source

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links in this post are links to affiliate offers. If you visit them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is entirely up to you. All offers come with a full 30–60 days, no questions asked, money-back guarantee!

Free Stuff For My Medium Subscribers.

All new subscribers on Medium will receive 4 free gifts. 2 of my top traffic eBooks, and 2 free memberships (invitation only) for buyer traffic tools I use. Subscribe to me (Deon Christie) on Medium and your free stuff will be emailed to you asap. Medium has no affiliation, nor do they endorse the free giveaway in any way. It is my personal free giveaway to all new Medium subscribers.


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