NovaXyon Game Strategies,Gaming,Xyon's Adventures With Age Of Origins Saya’s and  Lucy’s Intimacy Questions and their corresponding answers:

Saya’s and  Lucy’s Intimacy Questions and their corresponding answers:

Saya’s and  Lucy’s Intimacy Questions and their corresponding answers:

  • Q: Can I do my old job again?
    • A: Do you mean being a nurse?
  • Q: Do you know who made me like this?
    • A: Yourself
  • Q: Do you still remember the place where we met for the first time?
    • A: City
  • Q: Do you still remember what I first said after I recovered my intellect?
    • A: Pain…
  • Q: Do Zombies have dreams?
    • A: Yes
  • Q: Guess what I can control?
    • A: Zombie Troops
  • Q: How many times have I undergone surgery so far?
    • A: 10 times
  • Q: I always think about the terrible scene the first time I’m at the boss
    • A: In the Hospital?
  • Q: If I didn’t have his help, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have gotten into medical school.
    • A: Do you mean Dr. Joe?
  • Q: You know I used to be afraid that the administrative office was the busiest in the whole Hospital.
    • A: Infectious Diseases is really hard work
  • Q: What phase of surgery has the biggest risk?
    • A: Later phase
  • Q: What methods has the Lab used to perform surgery on me?
    • A: Biochemical Treatment
  • Q: What do I never use?
    • A: Glasses
  • Q: Where is my old dress?
    • A: It was too worn-out, so we threw it away
  • Q: Who did I know when I was young?
    • A: Dr. Joe
  • Q: Who do I have the ability to take orders from me?
    • A: Wild Zombies
  • Q: Whose delegation did you accept to search for my existence?
    • A: Biochemical
  • Q: Why do I still feel pain after you injected the anesthetics?
    • A: You are immune to anesthetics.
  • Q: Why can’t I be infected by the virus?
    • A: Special immunity.

list of Saya’s Intimacy Questions and their corresponding answers:

  • Q: Do I have any natural antibodies against the virus?
    • A: Yes
  • Q: Do you know what is my daily hobby?
    • A: Reading
  • Q: Does my body have other toxins?
    • A: Yes
  • Q: How do you know my identity?
    • A: Research Uniform
  • Q: How often will the Nemesis throw asteroids towards the Sun?
    • A: 26 million years
  • Q: What is the name of the star that caused the meteorites?
    • A: Nemesis
  • Q: What era was the Chicxulub crater formed in?
    • A: Cretaceous Period
  • Q: What color was the flag I held the first time I came to the base?
    • A: White
  • Q: What is my research field?
    • A: Biochemical Research
  • Q: What is the matter in the meteorite I researched that contains several hundred times more than on Earth?
    • A: Iridium
  • Q: What was the first creature the virus was successfully experimented on?
    • A: Turtle
  • Q: When did the meteorite that is the origins of the virus come?
    • A: 13 million years ago
  • Q: Where do I work?
    • A: Watson City Research Base
  • Q: What is the effect of Agent Q?
    • A: Restraining toxin
  • Q: What is the active agent inside me called?
    • A: Agent Q
  • Q: What type of active agent is inside me?
    • A: Artificially Synthesized
  • Q: What animals did the exhibition held by the Lab put on display?
    • A: Raccoon
  • Q: Where did the virus come from?
    • A: Universe
  • Q: Where do I come from?
    • A: Watson City
  • Q: Who injected me with Agent Q?
    • A: Yourself

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