NovaXyon News The Final AffiliateWP Choice: Evaluating Simple Associate vs AffiliateWP

The Final AffiliateWP Choice: Evaluating Simple Associate vs AffiliateWP


Searching for the perfect AffiliateWP alternative for your WordPress site? We compare two affiliate program titans: Easy Affiliate and AffiliateWP to help you pick your perfect plugin.

You want to launch a self-hosted affiliate program on your site. Excellent decision! You’re one step closer to harnessing the power of referral marketing.

You’ve done your homework and you’re down to two big names: AffiliateWP vs Easy Affiliate, the #1 AffiliateWP alternative.

There’s a good reason why these 2 solutions regularly top the charts for affiliate program plugins.

They’re both feature-packed, robust platforms that come highly recommended by industry pros and get a lot of love from satisfied customers.

But when it comes to choosing the one that’s right for you, the devil is in the details.

In this comparison, we’ll examine the ins and outs of each plugin, from how easy they are to set up to what kind of customer support you can expect.

By the end, you’ll have all the information you need to pick the plugin that best aligns with your business goals.

So let’s get started and figure out which of these two is your perfect match!

How To Choose the Best Affiliate Plugin for Your WordPress Site

So you’re on the hunt for the best affiliate plugin for your WordPress site. But with so many features to consider, how do you know which ones should tip the scales in your decision? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this comparison, we’re going to look at the following key features:

Easy Setup

Nobody wants to spend hours wrestling with complicated settings. We’ll explore how user-friendly each plugin is right out of the box.

Flexible Commission Rates

Whether you’re into flat rates, percentages, or something more creative, we’ll see which plugin gives you the most control over how you reward your affiliates.

Campaign & Link Management

Managing your campaigns shouldn’t feel like a full-time job. We’ll check out how each plugin helps you keep tabs on your links and campaigns.

Fraud Detection

Nobody likes a cheater. We’ll dig into the security features that help you spot and stop fraudulent activity.


Last but not least, we’ll talk about the cost. Because let’s face it, the best features in the world don’t mean much if they break the bank.

Before diving into the comparison, take a moment to think about which of these features are most crucial for your business.

Are you most concerned about integrating with your niche tools, or are tracking and affordability higher on your list? Knowing your priorities will help you make a more informed choice as you read through the details.

So, are you ready? Let’s get into it and find out which plugin is the best fit for your needs!

AffiliateWP vs Easy Affiliate: The Ultimate Showdown

Getting Started: No-Sweat Setup

A WordPress Plugin that’s simple to install and configure is a must. A user-friendly interface and straightforward instruction will save you time and reduce the stress that all-too-often comes with using new tools. So how do our 2 plugins fare?

Both AffiliateWP and Easy Affiliate have a setup wizard to guide you through configuring your settings after installation.

The Easy Affiliate setup wizard goes a couple of steps further by automatically detecting whether you have an existing affiliate program. It then gives you the option to migrate with one click.

Migrate from AffiliateWP to Easy Affiliate

This detail gives Easy Affiliate a minor advantage over AffiliateWP, though both offer a smooth introduction to their platforms.

Commission Rates: Keep Your Options Open

Flexibility in setting commission rates allows you to incentivize affiliates in a way that aligns with your business model and goals.

Whether it’s a flat rate, percentage, or tiered system, having multiple options is crucial for attracting and retaining high-performing affiliates.

Both plugins give you the option to set a standard flat rate or a percentage commission.

Both also have an option to set up recurring commissions for your subscription-based product or service. This feature is native to Easy Affiliate, and available through an add-on if your’re using AffiliateWP.

Easy Affiliate

With Easy Affiliate, there are three straightforward ways to offer special rates to incentivize affiliates.

1. Override Standard Commission Rates

The first way is to head into your top-performing users’ profiles, simply check the Enable commission override box, and adjust the percentage or fixed amount you’d like to award them with.

enable commission override

This enables you to easily and transparently set special rates and bonuses for high-performing affiliates.

2. Set Custom Rules

The second way is via the Commission Rules add-on, available with an Easy Affiliate Pro license.

With Commission Rules you can decide whether you want to pay a higher or lower commission on specific products. You can also pay a lower percentage if a certain coupon is used.

3. Add Commission Levels

The final way is with the Commission Levels add-on, available with an Easy Affiliate Plus and Pro license. This allows you to reward affiliates for attracting other affiliates to your program.

The basic idea is pretty simple: the affiliate who brings in a customer gets a certain percentage as commission.

But it doesn’t stop there. You can also give a smaller cut to the person who referred that affiliate, and even to the one who referred them, and so on.

This setup gives your affiliates a solid reason to spread the word and encourage their own contacts to join the program as affiliates.

Not only do they earn from their own sales, but they also get a piece of the pie from the sales made by the people they bring into the fold.

It’s a win-win that keeps everyone motivated and helps grow your affiliate network organically.


As with Easy Affiliate, AffiliateWP also offers per-product commission rates, and the option to awart bonuses. It also has its own set of specialised ways to offer special rates.

Tiered Affiliate Rates Add-On

Award affiliates with higher commissions the more successful referrals they bring in. For example, you can offer 20% for 0-100 referrals, 25% for 101-200 referrals and so on.

This incentivizes affiliate loyalty so they can reap more the more they sow.

AffiliateWP tiered affiliate rates
LifeTime Commissions Add-Ons

Similar to recurring commissions on subscription-based products, the lifetime add-on connects a customer to an affiliate so that each time that customer makes a purchase, your affiliate gets a cut.

Both Easy Affiliate and AffiliateWP give you plenty of control over your commission rate structure. However their offerings in terms of specialized commission rates are different.

It’s up to you to decide whether your business would benefit more from Easy Affiliate’s commission levels structure, or the AffiliateWP alternative, tiered affiliate rates.

Campaign & Link Management

Campaign and link management is all about keeping things organized and efficient.

Distributing unique links to your affiliates is the name of the game here. Why? Because it helps you track their performance and ensures they get paid accurately.

But it’s not just about handing out links willy-nilly. Organizing these links into specific campaigns lets you see which marketing efforts are hitting the mark.

Both Easy Affiliate and AffiliateWP enable you to create and organize unique referral links by campaign.

Both make it easy for you to distribute your creatives to your affiliates through their affiliate dashboard.

This means that affiliates can easily access the links and banners for your latest campaigns.

Both AffiliateWP and Easy Affiliate also give your affiliates the option to create their own custom links to promote a specific page on your site.

Allowing your affiliates to create their own custom links not only saves you time on admin tasks but also empowers them to better connect with their audience.


AffiliateWP includes has the option for you to schedule your creatives in advance. Say you have a time-sensitive promotion in the pipeline, you can upload your campaign creatives and set them to be distributed to your affiliates at a specific time.

Affiliate WP also has a more advanced affiliate dashboard, allowing affiliates to upload their own creatives and organize their own campaigns right in the platform.

Easy Affiliate

Easy Affiliate’s standout feature is the option to automatically add UTM parameters to affiliate’s unique referral links. This enables you to be able to track affiliate and campaign performance right inside Google Analytics.

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EA Top 5 KPIs Adsanity

It also means, you can directly compare your affiliate program’s performance against other marketing channels, like social media or email marketing, all in one place.

This level of integration with Google Analytics offers a seamless way to measure the effectiveness of your affiliate program alongside your other marketing efforts.

In conclusion, AffiliateWP offers a broader range of features, including advanced scheduling and a more comprehensive affiliate dashboard.

However the ability to track campaign performance directly in Google Analytics gives Easy Affiliate a distinct advantage.

This feature not only simplifies your analytics but also provides a bigger picture of your marketing landscape. This makes Easy Affiliate the top choice for those who prioritize data-driven decision-making.

So, if you’re looking for an affiliate program plugin that allows for a more unified view of your marketing performance, Easy Affiliate might just have the edge.

Absolutely! Here’s your Fraud Detection and Prevention section, crafted to maintain that conversational yet informative tone you’re aiming for:

Fraud Detection and Prevention: Keeping Things Legit

Affiliate fraud detection

Nobody likes a cheater, and when you’re running an affiliate program, you’ve got to keep an eye out for any funny business. Thankfully, both AffiliateWP and Easy Affiliate have got your back.

Let’s see how they stack up when it comes to fraud detection and prevention.


AffiliateWP lets you manually review and approve both affiliate registrations and referrals, adding that extra layer of scrutiny.

Plus, if you’re into digging deeper, there are add-ons and integrations that offer even more advanced fraud detection features, like IP tracking.

So, if you’re the type who likes to double and triple-check, AffiliateWP has got you covered.

Easy Affiliate

Easy Affiliate goes beyond the basics with its specialized Fraud Prevention add-on. This feature allows you to flag or reject transactions based on various criteria, such as self-referrals and conversion rates.

But Easy Affiliate’s UTM tracking feature is what sets it apart once again.

It provides unprecedented visibility and control over your affiliate activities making it particularly useful for affiliate managers concerned about PPC click fraud.

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Spot and eradicate affiliate PPC flick fraud with UTM tracking

By tracking the source of affiliate traffic, you can identify violations of your PPC policy.

For example, if your Google Analytics reports show traffic from a source like with an affiliate ID as the medium, you can easily spot affiliates who may be exploiting your program with PPC tricks.

This level of integration offers a powerful means of detecting affiliate fraud and ensures the integrity of your affiliate programs.

When it comes to fraud prevention, both AffiliateWP and Easy Affiliate offer robust features.

AffiliateWP provides a reliable set of tools for manual review and flagging of suspicious activities. However, Easy Affiliate takes it a step further with its specialized Fraud Prevention add-on and groundbreaking UTM tracking feature.

The UTM tracking not only allows for advanced performance analysis but also serves as a critical tool for detecting and preventing affiliate fraud.

This feature’s integration with GA4 adds a layer of oversight, making AffiliateWP alternative, Easy Affiliate, a strong choice for those who needs more advanced fraud detection capabilities.

So, if you’re looking for a more specialized, data-driven approach to fraud prevention, Easy Affiliate’s advanced features make it a strong contender.

Affordability: Get the Most Bang for Your Buck

When it comes to choosing an affiliate program plugin, the cost is often a significant factor. Both Easy Affiliate and AffiliateWP offer multiple pricing tiers, each with its own set of features.

Let’s break down what you get for your money with each platform.

Easy Affiliate

Basic Plan – $99.50/year

  • Ideal for those launching their first affiliate program.
  • Use on 1 site, support for unlimited affiliates, and no transaction fees.
  • Includes essential features like rock-solid tracking and one-click PayPal payouts.

Plus Plan – $149.50/year

  • Geared towards entrepreneurs and small businesses.
  • Use on 3 sites and includes automatic fraud detection.
  • Works with popular email marketing platforms like ConvertKit, MailChimp, and GetResponse.

Pro Plan – $199.50/year

  • Aimed at eCommerce site builders looking for advanced features.
  • Use on 5 sites, with advanced commission rules and 2000+ integrations with Zapier.
  • Comes with premium support.

PLUS: All Easy Affiliate plans come with a 14-day money-back guarantee.


Personal Plan – $149.50/year

  • Basic features for those just starting out.
  • Use on 1 site, with unlimited affiliates and commissions.
  • Includes reliable affiliate tracking and one-click PayPal payouts.

Plus Plan – $199.50/year

  • For businesses looking to expand their affiliate program.
  • Use on 3 sites, with advanced affiliate growth tools like signup referrals and QR codes.

Professional Plan – $299.50/year

  • The top-tier plan for businesses seeking advanced features.
  • Use on 10 sites, with a fraud prevention suite and advanced customizations.
  • Includes lifetime commissions and tiered affiliate rates.

So, which one offers better value?

Both platforms offer a range of pricing options to suit different needs and budgets. AffiliateWP is a strong contender, especially for businesses looking for a wide array of features.

However, when it comes to getting the most value for your money, Easy Affiliate is the clear winner, offering a comprehensive package at a competitive price point.

There’s a reason Easy Affiliate it often ranked as the top AffiliateWP alternative – it has all the features most businesses need at a more affordable price.

If you’re looking for a cost-effective, feature-rich solution, Easy Affiliate is the one for you.

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