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Increasing Your Advert Community Possible choices



UngAds At A Glance

UngAds: Offers & Verticals

Ad types: Popunders, In-Page Push ads, Push Notification Ads, Native Ads

Verticals: Gambling, Betting, Utilities and App Installs, E-commerce, Dating, Nutra, Adult

UngAds: Payment & Investment

Cost Model: CPM, CPC and CPA 2.0

Minimum Deposit: $100

Payment Methods: Wire Transfer (USD or EUR), PayPal, Payoneer, Paxum, bank card, and Crypto.

UngAds: Support

Personal Account Manager: Yes

Knowledgebase: Simple FAQ only

Support Response Speed: Excellent

Support Rating: Excellent

Contact Methods: Email, Skype, Telegram, or live chat

Email Contact:

Hello there, fellow affiliate marketers! Ever heard the phrase, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket?” This timeless wisdom is especially relevant in our industry.

Imagine having a killer affiliate offer that’s converting like crazy. It’s like a golden goose, but then, out of nowhere, your advertising network encounters an issue. Maybe it’s technical; maybe it’s policy changes. Whatever the reason, your golden goose suddenly stops sending traffic that lays those golden eggs. Yikes!

And this isn’t some spooky campfire tale. This is real life — it actually happened to me! And I’ve heard plenty of similar tales from other marketers in the industry. We’ve all had painful lessons about the risks of depending entirely on one ad network.

So, what’s the solution? Diversification. Having multiple advertising networks to promote your affiliate offers significantly expands your reach and safeguards your campaigns from unexpected disruptions. Think of it as having multiple golden geese or, better still, a whole farm of them!

One of the options to add to your advertising arsenal is UngAds. If you haven’t heard of this advertising network yet, then it’s about time for us to uncover it in this UngAds review and see whether it is worth including in our farm of gold-laying geese.

Key Takeaways

  • UngAds is a self-service ad network that is easy to use; even a total beginner will have no problems with it.
  • Its three ad formats are push notification ads, popunder ads, and native ads, with the biggest traffic volume coming from push.
  • Traffic quality is good and campaign moderation is very fast.
  • One downside is that the minimum daily budget is $30, which means you can burn through your advertising budget pretty fast. So when it comes to budget, it is not really beginner-friendly.

What is UngAds?

Now, you might be thinking, “UngAds? Sounds like something my toddler would say!” But let me assure you, it’s far more than baby talk. UngAds is a robust ad network that’s been around since 2015.

This platform provides traffic from its own network of direct publishers while also partnering with reliable suppliers, ensuring top-notch quality and extensive reach for its users.

Their target audience? It’s vast and varied, just like the digital world itself. So whether you’re a newbie affiliate looking to make your mark or a pro marketer aiming to maintain your foothold, UngAds has got you covered.

UngAds isn’t just about delivering advertisements — it’s about delivering results. They offer monetization opportunities to website owners and publishing agencies while providing advertisers access to targeted users. And with their optimal advertising solutions, you can expect impressive returns on your advertising investments.

ungads website

UngAds Best Features

Let’s have a look at UngAds’ features and see if it’s worthy of your advertising money.

Three Advertising Formats

UngAds provides three formats for digital advertising which are:

  • Pop-under or Click-under Ads: These are ads that automatically appear behind the browser window of the user. They are suitable for campaigns where advertisers want to gain maximum exposure without disturbing the user’s activity. Bidding models for this ad type are CPM and CPA 2.0.
  • Native Ads: This is a less disruptive and more engaging advertising option. You can opt to bid on a CPM or CPC basis for this one.
  • Push Notifications: These are permission-based messages, meaning users have to opt-in to receive them. This makes them a non-intrusive, user-friendly, and a highly engaging way of advertising. Just like native ads, you can bid either on CPC or CPM models with push ads. Classic push notification ads and in-page ads for iOS can be set up manually in UngAds. For in-page ads for Android, you need to reach out to your account manager for assistance.

Good Traffic Volume

The platform’s partnerships with over 500k direct publishers have given it an impressive reach across a multitude of markets worldwide. In terms of numbers, UngAds’ traffic volume is nothing short of astounding.

The platform records an average of 83 million impressions per day for pop-under ads and 140 million impressions per day for native ads.

Push notifications registers even higher numbers. With 1.1 billion impressions daily, the scale of reach is staggering. Given that push notifications are permission-based, this means that a vast number of users have willingly opted to receive these alerts, suggesting a high level of engagement and interest in the content being pushed.

These numbers I gathered by adding up the most recent data shown on UngAds Traffic Volume page. These numbers change daily, but you now have an idea of how much actual traffic the network can provide.
Its top countries are India, Indonesia, Brazil, the United States, and Mexico.

ungads traffic volume

You’ll also find the minimum bid requirement per ad type and geo, its average bid, and the top bid. These numbers will help you estimate how much you should bid.

Aside from the traffic volume page accessible within the account, UngAds also has a publicly available version which you can find here.

Self-Service Platform

What sets UngAds ad network apart from its competitors is its user-friendly interface. Upon logging in, you already know where to go or what to do next.
The process of creating an ad campaign is streamlined and efficient, no matter the ad type you choose. This makes it easy even for those new to the world of digital advertising.

Fast Campaign Moderation

Waiting for campaign approval has always been the bane of media buyers. You won’t have this problem.

One of the striking features of UngAds advertising network is its fast average moderation time, which is approximately 20 minutes during business hours.

This is a testament to the platform’s efficiency and dedication to providing prompt service. In an industry where time can often equate to lost opportunities, this rapid turnaround time is invaluable.

Rules-Based Optimization

UngAds offers a powerful feature for advertisers — the automatic optimization of campaigns through conditional rules.

Imagine you have a publisher who is bringing in the big bucks for your campaign. You’d want to keep them around, right? Well, that’s where whitelisting comes in. It’s like giving them a VIP pass to your campaign.

On the flip side, if a publisher isn’t quite cutting the mustard, you can blacklist them faster than you can say “underperforming traffic source”. The result?

Your ad spend is focused on sources that are sending you the results you want.

And the best part is that this all happens without you needing to constantly monitor and adjust your campaigns. It’s like having a co-pilot who’s got your back, leaving you free to focus on the big picture of your marketing strategy.

Dedicated Account Manager

And you’re never alone on this journey. UngAds provides exceptional support, ready to assist you whenever you need it. You will receive an email from your account manager within minutes of creating an account.

You can also find the contact details of your manager beneath the menu on the left pane of your account dashboard. You can reach out via email, Skype, Telegram, or live chat.

We mentioned that UngAds moderates campaigns quickly, but speed doesn’t mean skimping on support. Despite the fast-paced nature of their operations, UngAds ensures that they are always available to address any concerns or issues that may arise.

This combination of a user-friendly platform, self-service capabilities, and dedicated support makes UngAds a go-to choice for marketers aiming to make a splash in the digital advertising world.

How to Start Advertising with UngAds

In this section, we’re going to take a magical carpet ride through the land of UngAds. We’ll start from the very beginning and guide you step-by-step on how to start advertising with UngAds.

And as always, the beginning starts with creating an account. There are no complicated requirements to get started with UngAds. Just head over to UngAds homepage and sign up. You will immediately be able to log in, but you’ll, of course, have to verify your email.

ungads account verification

Here’s what you’ll see upon logging in.

ungads dashboard

Adding Funds

To start running campaigns, we must first add funds to the account. Click on Add Funds in the menu. Funding options include Wire Transfer (USD or EUR), PayPal, Payoneer, Paxum, bank card, and Crypto, with a minimum of $100 for all except wire ($300 minimum).

adding funds on ungads
Visit our UngAds coupon page to get our exclusive promo code! This promo is available for a limited time only, so hurry up and check it out.

Integrating Trackers to Monitor Conversions within UngAds

Imagine sailing a ship without a compass — you wouldn’t know where you’re headed, right? That’s exactly what running a digital advertising campaign without tracking is like.

Tracking allows you to measure the performance of your ads, identify what’s working (and what’s not), and make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaigns. In other words, it’s your compass in the vast ocean of digital advertising.

And if you want to send conversion data back to UngAds, what you’ll have to do is integrate your tracker into the ad network.

Related content: Best Tracking Platforms

To set up conversion tracking in UngAds, head over to the Tracking Page, which provides detailed information on how to set up tracking, defines the terms related to it, and even explains why they are necessary.

setup tracking on ungads

UngAds supports ready-made integrations with several popular trackers, which makes the setup process quite straightforward. The list of trackers includes:

  • Voluum
  • LandingTrack
  • Ads Bridge
  • Redtrack
  • OctoTracker
  • Keitaro
  • BeMob
  • Peerclick
  • ThriveTracker
  • Binom

While the exact steps may vary slightly for each tracker, the process generally involves just copying the postback URL with the correct parameter and pasting them to your tracker.

Top Verticals

While you might be tempted to run just any other offer in UngAds, we suggest starting with what’s been proven to work. Here’s a list of the top verticals and respective countries that have shown great success in UngAds:

  • Utilities and App installs – ID, BR, MX
  • Betting – SN, NG, BF
  • E-commerce – ID, TR, PH
  • Dating – TH, JP, DE
  • Adult – CO, ZA, MX

Test different strategies, analyze the results, and refine your approach based on what works best for the affiliate offers you are promoting.

Creating a Campaign on UngAds

Let’s break this down into easy-to-follow steps on how to create a successful advertising campaign with UngAds. To get started, head over to the Campaigns page and click on the Create campaign button.

Step 1: Selecting the Ad Format

The first step in creating an advertising campaign is naming the campaign and selecting the right ad format. UngAds offers pop-unders, push notifications, and native ads. The choice should be based on your specific marketing goals.

For instance, if you’re looking to increase brand awareness, pop and push ads could be a good fit. On the other hand, if you’re focused on engagement, native ads may be the way to go. Remember, the key here is to align your ad format with your overall objectives.

creating a campaign on ungads

Once you’ve selected the ad type, the next step is to choose the bidding model: CPC, CPM, or CPA 2.0. Only popunder has the CPA 2.0 option, which requires at least a $150 testing budget to run.

The minimum bids based on ad types and price models are as follows:

  • popunder – $0.33 for CPM
  • push ads – $0.13 for CPM and $0.007 for CPC
  • native ads – $0.005 for CPM and $0.004 for CPC

For CPC and CPM options, you’ll be shown a graph of the estimated traffic available based on the bid.

ungads estimated traffic

Next, don’t forget to add the target URL with the proper macros for tracking.

Step 2: Adding Ad Creatives

Once you’ve chosen your ad format, the next step is to add the ads that your audience will actually see. With pops, you’ve already added it above, so it’s just native ads and push ads are needed here.

ungads push ads

ungads native ads

For both ad types, you can create up to 10 creatives per ad campaign. You can also use the dynamic keyword {city} within the ad text to automatically show the user’s location when viewing the ad.

One thing I noticed, though, is that it does not offer an ad preview, so you’re just going to have to hope that the ad looks as you imagined it to be.

Take note of UngAds ad restrictions before adding your creatives. Most of their restrictions are pretty standard, though I’d like to mention that they don’t allow “affirmative wording on infection / presence of viruses,” which means you can’t say the user’s device is infected or something similar.

Also, Pay Per Call offers cannot be run without prior approval, so I suggest you reach out to your account manager for such campaigns.

Step 3: Target Audience Selection

Targeting is necessary to help you identify who you want to reach. This is where UngAds’ targeting options come in handy. You can target audiences based on various criteria, such as geographical location, device type, and more.

Think of your target audience selection as a funnel. You start broad and then narrow down to the most relevant group of potential customers. It’s all about reaching the right people at the right time with the right message.

The targeting options are all the same for all ad formats, except that the push messaging ad format has an extra filter: User Activity. You can choose from Low, Medium, and High.

According to UngAds, the User Activity level is actually based on the number of days the user has since subscribed or the subscription age. Low Activity refers to more than 7 days since subscription; Medium Activity means 3 to 7 days since subscription, and finally, High Activity means 1 to 3 days since subscription.

ungads campaign targeting

What I liked about UngAds’ geo-targeting is that you can even narrow down to exact cities and states.

Other filters are the following:

  • language targeting
  • connection type (3G/carriers, Wi-Fi, or All)
  • Traffic Type (Mainstream, Adult, or Both)
  • carriers
  • devices
  • operating systems and their versions
  • browsers

ungads campaign targeting 2

Step 4: Setting the Limits

Next up is setting your budget and the frequency by which your ad will be shown every 24 hours.

Setting a budget is crucial. It’s like setting a boundary for your campaign to ensure you’re not overspending. Remember, your budget should be realistic and align with your marketing goals. Start small and scale up as you see positive results.

However, the minimum daily budget is $30, and the minimum total budget is $50. These numbers are a bit high for beginner media buyers but reasonable enough for serious affiliates.

ungads campaign frequency capping

Step 5: Creating Auto-Optimization Rules and Lists

Rules-based optimization is a powerful tool in UngAds that allows you to automate campaign adjustments based on certain conditions. Think of it as setting up an autopilot for your campaign.

For instance, you can create a rule that pauses your ad when the spend reaches a certain number. This allows you to keep your campaign performance in check without having to monitor it constantly.

To do this, first select the condition. Your choices are:

  • impressions
  • conversions
  • spent
  • conversion cost

Then, choose whether the value should be less than, greater than, or equal to. Finally, add the value.

Whatever rule you add here will cause the publisher to be added to a Blacklist if you choose to Exclude Publisher IDs or Whitelist if you choose to Add Publisher IDs.

If there are multiple conditions, all conditions must be true for the publisher to be blacklisted/whitelisted, so be careful.

ungads auto optimization tools

You can also manually add publishers to add or exclude publishers. You can also choose to show your ads to Partner & XML Feeds Traffic, which are third-party sources.

selecting publishers on ungads

Step 6: Scheduling Your Ads

Lastly, it’s time to schedule your ads. With UngAds, you can set when your ads are displayed. This ensures that your ads reach your target audience at the most opportune times on the platforms they frequent.

Remember, effective scheduling is all about understanding your audience’s behavior. Are they night owls or early birds? Do they browse on mobile or desktop? Use these insights to guide your scheduling decisions.

You can also refer to the results of your previous test for setting this up.

ungads campaign time targeting

And there you have it! By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating a successful advertising campaign with UngAds. Remember, testing and optimization are key to succeeding.

UngAds Pros and Cons for Advertisers

We’ve seen several positive aspects of using UngAds, but we’ve also encountered a few challenges. Let’s outline them:


  • The self-service platform is very easy to use.
  • It has a highly engaged support team.
  • There’s a large volume of traffic for push ads and reasonable traffic for popunders and native ads.
  • Automatic blacklisting and whitelisting are possible with Optimization Rules.
  • CPA bidding is possible with popunders.
  • Campaign moderation is pretty fast.


  • It doesn’t offer an ad preview.
  • In-page push notification ads for Android cannot be created manually.
  • Requires a high minimum daily budget of $30.

The rules-based optimization is for either blacklisting and whitelisting only, not for bid adjustments.

How to Earn Money as a Publisher with UngAds

With UngAds ad network, earning money as a publisher is also as simple as pie. Just like when signing up as an advertiser, UngAds doesn’t ask prospective publishers a lot of information.

However, based on our research, we’ve found out that this ad platform requires that the website submitted is part of the top 100 thousand based on Alexa ranking. Your website must also be self-hosted and have its own domain. So, no freebie subdomains are allowed!

If you pass these qualifications, then you can apply to become a publisher. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Sign Up

Your first step is to create an account on UngAds advertising network. Visit the website and look for the neon sign-up button — it’s hard to miss. On the dropdown, choose Publisher, and from there, it’s just a matter of filling in your details, starting with your name, email, and password.

Step 2: Add Your Domain

Alright, you have officially signed up for UngAds! Congrats! Now, let’s add your website domain to the mix. On your account dashboard, click on the ‘Domains’ on the left pane.

From there, hit the ‘Add Domain’ button and enter your website’s URL.

Is your website mainstream or adult? Select the appropriate category.

adding a new site as a publisher on ungads

Under the “Allow ads” section, select any of the ad topics which you want displayed on your website, depending on what’s best for you and your users.

Step 3: Domain Moderation

After adding your domain, it will go through a moderation process. This is where the UngAds team checks to ensure that your site complies with their policies and standards. This is a standard procedure to maintain the quality of sites within the network. UngAds doesn’t take too long to moderate websites they deem acceptable.

Step 4: Choose Ad Formats

Got your domain approved? Good. You can now choose the ad formats you want to be shown on your website.

As you make your choice, keep in mind that the ultimate goal is to provide relevant and engaging ads that add value to your user’s’ experience while also boosting your revenue. Copy and implement the ad code on your website.

Step 5: Monitor Your Performance

Now that you’ve set everything up, it’s time to monitor your performance. UngAds provides detailed statistics about your site’s performance, including impressions, clicks, and earnings.

Use this data to understand what’s working and where there’s room for improvement.

Here’s how the main dashboard will look for you:

ungads publisher statistics

Step 6: Withdraw Your Earnings

As a publisher with UngAds, withdrawing your earnings is straightforward. The payment options available are PayPal, Credit Card, Wire Transfer, and WebMoney.

UngAds processes payments twice a month, specifically on the 5th and 20th. A minimum of $50 earnings is necessary to make a withdrawal.

Once you’ve reached this amount, you can choose your preferred payment method and enjoy your hard-earned revenue!

UngAds Pros and Cons for Publishers


  • Payout process is simple and there are multiple options.
  • The payout threshold of $50 is easily achievable, allowing faster cashouts.
  • Easy approval.


  • No knowledgebase or FAQ pages for solutions to possible problems or questions. Only the live chat is available.

UngAds Ad Network Review Verdict

UngAds is indeed a noteworthy advertising network that stands out for its user-friendly interface and impressive worldwide volume. It caters to both advertisers and publishers, offering a diverse range of ad formats and pricing models such as CPM, CPC, and CPA 2.0.

Many users have praised its intuitive design, which makes managing and optimizing campaigns a breeze. The network’s quick ad review process and clear statistics further enhance its appeal.

However, like all platforms, UngAds isn’t without its drawbacks. The most notable of these is its high daily minimum requirement, which may be a barrier for smaller advertisers. Despite this, our evaluation of the platform plus the overall consensus among users seems to be positive, suggesting that the benefits of using UngAds outweigh this single negative aspect.

So, if you’re looking for an accessible, easy-to-use advertising platform with robust global reach, UngAds is certainly worth considering. So try it now and gain a new stable ad network in your list of traffic sources.



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