NovaXyon Affiliate Marketing How To Generate Gross sales With Associate Advertising! | via Deon Christie | CONTENT MARKETING Methods | Nov, 2023

How To Generate Gross sales With Associate Advertising! | via Deon Christie | CONTENT MARKETING Methods | Nov, 2023


Affiliate Marketing Sales

Generate Sales With The Most Effective Free Affiliate Marketing Buyer Traffic Strategies!

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Learn How To Generate Sales With Affiliate Marketing And Free Byer Traffic
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What you will learn from this Medium article.

How to generate sales with affiliate marketing introduction.

Generate affiliate marketing sales with Medium articles.

How to generate affiliate marketing sales with Quora answers.

Combining Quora and Medium for affiliate marketing sales.

Conclusion of how to generate sales with affiliate marketing.

Free affiliate marketing stuff for our Medium subscribers!

How to generate sales with affiliate marketing introduction.

If you want to learn how to generate sales with affiliate marketing, then you must understand how content marketing strategies work. Any affiliate marketing content marketing strategy for sales is kind of like a “path”. It leads your visitor to your article, then to a bridge page, and then to your affiliate offer for example. All the while maintaining curiosity.

Generating sales with affiliate marketing can be done in several ways with free buyer traffic. For the purpose of this strategy, we will be focusing on Quora and Medium primarily. This gives you a perfect guide on how to generate sales with affiliate marketing with free traffic. Targeted buyer traffic often seems impossible to get, but not anymore.

In this Medium article, we will show you how to generate sales with affiliate marketing. But you must understand that free traffic strategies for sales can take a while to gain traction. Because it is a lot of work, and you must build your own online audiences. Like groups, pages, medium publications, and Quora spaces.

But we will explain how all this comes together if you want to learn how to generate sales with affiliate marketing. You are going to have to create your own groups, pages, and spaces for this to work. Therefore, you might want to leverage YouTube training videos. Just take your time with the designs. You will need the following.

1 — Groups And Pages (Facebook And LinkedIn).

2 — Multiple Twitter Profiles.

3 — Medium And Quora Profiles.

4 — Medium Publications.

5 — Informative Medium Articles.

6 — Objective Quora Answers.

7 — Quora Spaces.

8 — Bridge Pages (Free Websites).

With these strategies, you will soon see how the “going from one place to the next” concept works. Almost like a sales funnel of sorts. Because you cannot just share affiliate links everywhere. That is why You Need Free Bridge Pages to redirect your traffic. But you can read about that in the link we just provided.

Medium articles, publications, Quora answers, and Quora spaces along with social networking are tried and tested content marketing strategies. We have generated sales with these strategies and affiliate marketing; therefore, we can show you how to generate sales with affiliate marketing by combining these free traffic strategies.

Generate affiliate marketing sales with Medium articles.

Writing Medium articles to generate affiliate marketing sales is among some of the “easiest” ways to make money online. But there are rules to comply with and requirements to meet. Please Read The Medium Rules and be sure to understand what is allowed, what is not, and what are the requirements.

Article Layout And Structure.

Adding Affiliate Offers.

Include Required Disclosures.

Use Medium Social Share Options.

Groups, Pages, And Social Networking.

When you write Medium articles for affiliate marketing sales, we know that Medium allows affiliate offers. However, we do suggest using the bridge pages mentioned earlier. We are not quite sure about direct affiliate links and don’t want to lead you down the wrong path. But you will notice that our own affiliate offers, redirect to the offer directly.

That is because of using a plugin called Pretty Links Lite, but for that you will need your own hosted domain. What this cloaking strategy does is “turn your affiliate link into a form of a bridge page”, in pointing back to your blog domain. We just personally feel uncomfortable with sharing direct affiliate links, it can cause you to run into some problems.

Medium provides you with social sharing options like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. That is why having your own groups, pages, and spaces are important. That is where you share your Medium article for added external traffic. When you have your own targeted audiences, everything will start “working out better”.

How to generate affiliate marketing sales with Quora answers.

Based on your Medium articles, you want to focus on answering Quora questions related to your topic. But you must also target the Quora questions with the most followers and answers. Then provide a better answer with a solution to attract attention. With Quora, however, you do not share affiliate offers. But you can create a Canva one-page website and use that as your “Website” with your Quora Spaces.

Answer Related Questions.

Create Quora Spaces.

Share Medium Profile, Blog, And Website.

Create And Share Bridge Pages.

With your Quora spaces description areas, you can include links to your Medium profile (with your Medium articles containing affiliate offers). Links to your blog or website (with affiliate offers), and other social profiles. But you also want to pin your best answer to your Quora Space, like with your Facebook pages and profiles.

As opposed to sharing Medium article URLs in your Quora answers, you can also choose to share your bridge pages. But we will get to the integration of Quora and Medium next. These are the basics of how to generate sales with affiliate marketing on Quora. There are other Medium stories covering the strategies in more detail in our home feed.

Combining Quora and Medium for affiliate marketing sales.

A few simple steps to combine Quora and Medium for increased affiliate marketing sales. Summarizing this strategy comes down to 6 basic steps, starting with writing informative and need-related Medium articles. Then include your affiliate bridge page, along with the required affiliate disclosure in your Medium article.

You then search for the related questions on Quora with high follower and answer counts and then come up with a better answer and summarized solution. The more extensive solution must be covered with the Medium article you want to include. Then add your Medium article URL in the answer footer area.

Write Informative Medium Articles.

Include The Affiliate Bridge Page URL.

Answer Related Quora Questions.

Include A Link To Medium Article.

Pin Quora Answers To Spaces.

Leverage Existing Social Share Buttons.

Once done, then use this answer and pin it to a related Quora Space you own. If you have not yet created your own pages, groups, spaces, profiles, and publications then you might want to start there. Because even with this strategy, social networking is used for exposure. But with Medium you have the advantage of SEO and search engine exposure.

Pretty easy to understand, right? No? Then just go back and work through it again, while using YouTube and Google to do a bit of your own research. You will soon get the hang of these strategies showing you how to generate affiliate marketing sales. As always, you are provided with the basic structure, it is important to leave the research up to you.

Conclusion of how to generate sales with affiliate marketing.

All these strategies about how to generate sales with affiliate marketing come down to 8 “things” you will need. It is “easier said than done” because it is a lot of work. Building pages, groups, spaces, publications, and profiles is a lot of effort. But then everything worthwhile is. Free buyer traffic to generate sales with affiliate marketing takes time.

1 — Groups And Pages (Facebook And LinkedIn).

2 — Multiple Twitter Profiles.

3 — Medium And Quora Profiles.

4 — Medium Publications.

5 — Informative Medium Articles.

6 — Objective Quora Answers.

7 — Quora Spaces.

8 — Bridge Pages (Free Websites).

You must build your own targeted audiences through the suggested means mentioned in this Medium article. Do you see how these content marketing strategies lead your visitors from one place to the next? From social posts to profile visits, everything comes together with one objective.

Ending with your affiliate offer. Maintaining curiosity so your visitor reaches your affiliate offer, is the true challenge. But these are excellent ways to generate sales with affiliate marketing without having to use paid ad traffic strategies. Especially when you’re just getting started, just go with the free options.

If you found this Medium story helpful, kindly let us know in the comments. We would love to hear your opinion. Did you know about these free strategies to generate sales with affiliate marketing!” Do you struggle with driving traffic, generating sales, creating content, or writing? Do you want to know how to generate your first sales?

If you need help with anything, we speak “Medium” and “Writing” rather fluently, so feel free to reach out any time. With that, our “Medium Writing SEO Curated List Traffic Strategy!” story on Medium is concluded. Now you know how to generate sales with affiliate marketing and 100% free buyer traffic!

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AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links in this post are links to affiliate offers. If you visit them to make a purchase, we will earn a commission. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is entirely up to you. All offers come with a full 30 to 60 days, no questions asked, money-back guarantee!

Free affiliate marketing stuff for our Medium subscribers!

All new subscribers on Medium will receive 4 free gifts. 2 of our top traffic eBooks, and 2 free memberships (invitation only) for buyer traffic tools we use. Subscribe to me (Deon Christie) on Medium and your free stuff will be emailed to you ASAP. Medium has no affiliation, nor do they endorse the free giveaway in any way. It is our own personal free giveaway, so kindly contact us with any queries, not Medium support.


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