NovaXyon Affiliate Marketing Make Cash Pinning In Your Spare Time

Make Cash Pinning In Your Spare Time


If you’re looking to
make more money online, you should try
Pinterest affiliate marketing.
Doing affiliate marketing on Pinterest is a great way to get massive traffic to your website for free. 

If you didn’t already know, Pinterest is one of the most popular social media sites online – with over
444 million users

While the demographics show that a large portion of Pinterest users are women, you can still reach your target audience if your product or services are geared toward men.

Pinterest affiliate marketing is very popular right now, and if you
promote big-ticket affiliate products, it’s a great site to promote your offers on.
40% of Pinterest users make over
making it a great outlet to reach people who have alot of money to spend.

Why Should You Do Pinterest Affiliate Marketing?

Pinterest is a
social media site and search engine mixed together. People visit Pinterest every day to find new things to learn and discover in their spare time.

Content on Pinterest are known as
– which are simply images that have a link attached to it. Pinterest users save these pins to their account boards to store ideas and inspiration on something.

If you plan on marketing on Pinterest, you can create pins that are relevant to your niche, and have people save your pins to their boards. 

Since each pin has an
external link
attached to it, when people save your pins, they will have the opportunity to click on your link and visit your website.

That means
more traffic, more sales, and more free publicity for you.

Pinterest Affiliate Marketing Tips That Help You Earn Money

When you first arrive on the Pinterest website or the app, you may find it quite overwhelming. There are lots of
images and videos and you may not know where to start.

But fear not, because if you want to use Pinterest to
boost your affiliate marketing sales, I want to give you some tips that will help you get the most out of this platform.

tip number 1 for making money with Pinterest affiliate marketing:

1) Obey the rules

If you can obey the rules on Pinterest, your content will
generate traffic for you for years to come. Some of the rules of affiliate marketing on Pinterest are:

  • No affiliate link cloaking

If you want to insert your affiliate link, you have to enter it raw. People have to know where your link will take them.

If you post an affiliate link in your pin, you have to state in the description and on your web page that the content they’re about to read or watch contains affiliate links.

Plus the
FTC (Federal Trade Commission) demands that you disclose affiliate links also.

Don’t try to play Pinterest. They will only play you back by ending all chances of you making money with their site. 

Don’t try to repin content from multiple accounts. Trying to manipulate the platform like this will only get you booted.

2) Make several pins for each new piece of content you create

Pinterest users are picky. Some people will only interact with one kind of pin design. To combat this,
create multiple pin images for each new piece of content you create.

You’ll want to create a pin that stands out from the crowd. Use a tool like
Canva to design beautiful pins fast. Or, you can always purchase “Pin Templates” to design your pins from. 

If you find that creating pins takes alot of time to do, you can use a tool called
to create multiple pins quickly. 

Tailwind can create alot of pins for you fast, and its social networking feature helps you to distribute these pins to people in your
niche who would be interested in your content.

3) Automate pin scheduling

Doing affiliate marketing on Pinterest every day can be time-consuming. So to save time, why not schedule multiple pins to be released at a specific time, so that you don’t have to worry about manually pinning every day?

This is what tools like
Tailwind and
Hootsuite can do for you. You can add pins to your queue and have them
automatically post to your board whenever you want them to.

Plus, when you pin like this, you can reach users at the
best times when they’re online. When a user goes on Pinterest and looks at their feed, your pin needs to be the first thing they see when they start searching.

4) Activate rich pins

Rich pins are different from regular pins as they show more information in the pin description. They draw more attention and tend to
get more clicks – making them a very effective feature to use.

You will want to activate rich pins for:

To enable the rich pins feature, you have to first be approved for it. The process to activate rich pins is in-depth, but once you’ve completed it you won’t have to go through it again.

5) Pin on group boards

Group boards are boards where
multiple people share their content on one board. You usually have to be accepted by someone to post on their board. It brings alot of exposure and awareness to your pins by posting to these boards.

You can find relevant group boards in your niche by using a site called
Pingroupie. All you have to do is type in a keyword and it will show you all the group boards available for this kind of information.

Once you find a group board you want to join,
read the instructions on how to join and wait until the board owner accepts you. Once you’re accepted, you can start pinning to the new group board immediately.

6) Do SEO

SEO plays a part on Pinterest also. Remember, Pinterest is a social networking site along with a search engine also. 

People use Pinterest to find new content in the form of pins. So you can reach people when they’re looking for content similar to yours by optimizing your profile for Pinterest.

You will want to focus on
using the right keywords. There’s a tool called
“Keywords Everywhere” that can help you find the keywords people are typing into Pinterest to find the content they’re looking for.

Once you have the keywords that you want to target, you’ll want to focus on 3 things when optimizing your pins for SEO:

Take the keywords you found with Keywords Everywhere, and use them strategically in your account bio. You want your profile to rank high for these keywords when they are searched for by users

In each pin that you create, make sure you are using your keywords wisely and thoroughly so that your pins are an extension of your profile.

Also, make sure your
landing page has the same keywords on it also so that Pinterest can make a connection between your pin and the destination it’s linking to

Don’t forget about the board you’re saving your pin in! You want to optimize your board’s title and description with the same relevant keywords so that you have uniformity across your pins and profile.

7) Build an email list

Email marketing is where the money is online, and on Pinterest, your goal should be to drive people to your website so that you can get them to sign up for your free offer. 

All you have to do is add an opt-in email signup form on your website and encourage people to subscribe to it. Entice visitors with a free book, video, audio, etc that’s relevant to the Pinterest pin they came to you from.

Once you have them on your list,
follow up on them periodically and try to sell them something. Opt-in email marketing is the most reliable way to make money online – and it applies to Pinterest also.

8) Monitor your stats

Always check your pin performance to see if your Pinterest strategy is working. You may discover something that you may need to change or improve within your affiliate marketing strategy. 

Click-through rate is one of the most important stats that you should monitor. Check to see what kind of pins get the most clicks and create more of them. 

Final Thoughts On Pinterest Affiliate Marketing

Using Pinterest for your
affiliate marketing efforts is a smart decision and is a great way to add additional income to your bottom line. 

You will want to check and see if your audience is located on Pinterest before you decide to embark on this adventure.

If you find that they’re
on Pinterest and active, then use the tips in this blog post to stand out and connect with them. Make sure your profile and pins are optimized for SEO and structure your pins to inspire clicks back to your website.

Pinterest can send you a
swarm of traffic back to your affiliate site, so be sure to take advantage of it today.


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