NovaXyon Affiliate Marketing How To Make Cash With Low Price tag Associate Advertising and marketing

How To Make Cash With Low Price tag Associate Advertising and marketing


Low ticket affiliate marketing isn’t exactly something that’s widely talked about online. If anything, you hear about
selling big ticket affiliate products because everyone wants that high-dollar sale.

But low ticket affiliate marketing has been around for a long time, and the evidence of this is with the
Amazon Associates Affiliate Program. This is an affiliate program where affiliates are earning money promoting low-priced items from Amazon on their website.

I will be honest with you. Selling low ticket affiliate products is easy to make money with, but you have to
sell alot of them to make some real serious dough. 

I want to show you the steps to take to
make money with low ticket affiliate marketing, and why you should consider doing it today.

Let’s get started!

What Is Low Ticket Affiliate Marketing?

Low ticket affiliate marketing is the
selling of low-priced affiliate products. You don’t earn a large commission, but you sell the products very easily.

Low ticket affiliate products can be digital or physical, and they usually fall within the
$1 – $100 range. 

One thing that you will find is that low ticket
digital products offer a higher commission rate than physical products.

What Is A “Ticket” In Affiliate Marketing?

“ticket” in affiliate marketing means the price of an affiliate product. A high ticket item means a product is expensive, and a low ticket item means an item is inexpensive. 

Successful affiliate marketers refer to this lingo when searching for new products to promote.

Usually high ticket products start from $100 and above, and marketers typically use $100 products to promote a product or service to their
email list.

Very high ticket products can range from $1,000 – $10,000, and these generally pay very high commissions.

Low ticket products generally cost less than $100 and have low commission rates. Common examples of low ticket products are:

The drawback of low ticket affiliate marketing is that it tends to have
poor commission tiers, only paying affiliates around
1% – 5% commissions on sales.

Most of the low ticket affiliate products that you will find online are physical products. The commission rate is typically so low because of the cost to manufacture, manage, and market the product.

Is There Money To Be Made With Low Ticket Affiliate Products?

Despite the low commissions and high sales volume needed to make decent money with low ticket affiliate marketing, you can still make good money with it. 

In fact, many
super affiliates are making 6-figure incomes selling low ticket affiliate products.

One thing that is in your favor when selling low ticket affiliate products is that the products usually tend to sell themselves. You will typically find products from brands that sell well like:

When you have brand power, it’s easy to sell products quickly. 

Now let’s talk about how to make money with low ticket affiliate products.

How To Make Money With Low Ticket Affiliate Marketing

There’s a
3-step process for making money with low ticket affiliate marketing. This process is typically carried out by the use of blogging and SEO.

Here’s the 3-step process that you will want to implement.

1) Go into a niche

Don’t try to sell anything and everything to everybody. This is the fastest way to reach no one. Instead, go into a
lucrative niche market, and find a problem that’s looking for a solution.

Going into a niche has its benefits. You’ll be
perceived as an expert, and your credibility will help you to sell more items.

Also, when ranking your website in search engines, Google will take a look at your site and determine what the
main theme of your site is.

This is how you will get your site seen in front of the people who are searching for exactly what you have to sell.

don’t confuse Google or your web visitors. Don’t talk about computers and have other posts on your site about losing weight. It’s not a match.

When you go into a niche, you can sell products fast that are on the
higher end of the low ticket spectrum. Niche marketing is important, so don’t be a generalist.

2) Create a niche affiliate site

Creating a niche affiliate site is easy. You can use website creation websites such as WordPress, Duda, GoDaddy, Wix, and others to create your site.

Your site doesn’t have to be fancy and have links all over the place. Keep it clean and focused, and make your content the
main centerpiece of your site.

Make sure there are areas on your site where you can put
banners or advertisements that promote your low ticket affiliate products. 

It’s your site, so you can do whatever you want with it. So take advantage of the exclusivity that you have.

3) Create SEO-focused Content

This is the
main part of making money with low ticket affiliate marketing. You want to
write content that draws people to your site, and you want to write ALOT of it.

And I’m not talking about 10 – 40 articles, I’m talking about
200 – 500 articles or more. You have to get on your grind and crank out content that will get your site found.

You will want to learn
how SEO works, and focus your content around keywords that people are typing into the search engines. 

Never create content that people aren’t looking for. How will people find you if they’re typing search queries into Google that you aren’t writing about?

You will want to focus on SEO factors such as:

  • Mobile site compatibility

Content is the bread and butter of your site, so don’t overlook this. The best content that gets ranked and found are articles that are around
1,000+ words in length. 

Take your time when writing your articles, and try to update your site around
3-5 times a week if you can find the time. 

One thing you need to know about writing content is that there are
specific types of content that help you to earn money better than others.

For example,
product review articles tend to generate more income than “how-to” articles. Product comparison articles are great for low ticket affiliate marketing also.

Also, when
targeting keywords, focus on “buyer intent keywords”. These are keywords that people type into search engines when they are looking to buy something.

Examples of this are:

  • Cheap digital cameras for sale

Other Ways To Make Money With Low Ticket Affiliate Marketing

Blogging and SEO aren’t the only ways to generate income with low ticket affiliate marketing. There are other methods such as:

All of these methods combined can help you get the sales you need with low ticket affiliate marketing.

But the
#1 key to having success with low ticket affiliate sales is
website traffic – and LOTS of it.

Paid advertising isn’t recommended because your profit after advertising expenses will be slim to none. So free marketing methods reign supreme here.

Don’t expect to get rich overnight. Affiliate marketing is a long-term process, so be willing to put the work in to make your business successful.

Final Thoughts On Low Ticket Affiliate Marketing

Your best bet for making money with low ticket affiliate marketing is
writing content for SEO. There are so many search queries being made every day that getting found is relatively easy.

sheer volume of search queries makes it obvious to start with SEO and blogging first. After you get the hang of SEO and blogging, then you’ll want to venture off into other forms of marketing.

Even though the commission per sale for low ticket affiliate products isn’t big, you can still make a great income with it.

Plus you have to keep in mind that low ticket products are
easy to get sales from, so once you see your
first affiliate sale come through, the motivation to continue will be there.

Low ticket affiliate marketing is a viable way to make money online, and it’s a
great business model to participate in. It’s a long-term process, but success can be yours if you’re willing to put in the work.


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