NovaXyon Affiliate Marketing Push and Pops Again within the Recreation

Push and Pops Again within the Recreation



According to Statcounter, 56,51% of all web traffic in 2023 comes through mobile phones. It means that apps are a gold mine for advertisers. So, it’s essential to learn how to promote apps while this area is picking up steam.

You can boost apps through ad networks, FB, UAC (Google Universal App Campaigns), ASO (Application Stores Optimization), SEO, or In-app.

We are surprised that there are lots of articles about app promotion on all traffic sources except ad networks.

However, our experience tells us that some apps can only be monetized through this source.

The ad network Galaksion prepared material on this topic using their own and their friends’ experiences.

They spoke with Evan Kurch, whose product team specializes in app creation and promotion, and with some specialists from their own ad network who work directly with app monetization.

Dive into this article to get ready-to-use instructions for app promotion in ad networks!

Reasons to Choose Push Notifications and Pops to Promote Apps

Evan will give the best answer to this question:

“Earlier, we tried to work with partners’ offers but realized it wasn’t our thing.

The main reason is that we can’t see all the parts of the app, change anything in the app to make it suitable for the particular traffic source, or increase conversions.

That is why we mostly create and promote our own apps so we can understand the offer from the inside and match it with traffic.

We boosted apps through different traffic sources. When we started working with ad networks, we tested 60–70 of them per month and came to the conclusion: you need to find an ad network for your offer so that websites suit your offer.

The discovery for us was that popunder traffic was converting and vivid, and there was plenty of it.

It debunked my stereotype that popunders were dead.

There are reasons why I choose push and pops to boost my apps:

1) Understandable/straightforward traffic

Traffic optimization works as a manual gearbox. You have a platform where you can fix everything by your hands, unlike Google and FB. If your combination doesn’t convert, you enhance a bid. If your combo converts bad, you stop it and test new options.

2) Ad attribution with iOS 14.5

IDFA attribution is an anchor that allows an ad network to know who and how uses the app. For example, a 20-year-old man with iOS 14 from Salt Lake City subscribes to the app.

That way, the traffic source understands what audience to search for to get effective ads and optimize campaigns better.

When Apple updated iOS to 14.5, this attribution stopped working properly, as apps now have to ask if users allow to track their activity across other companies’ apps and websites.

If they do not, their installation can be counted as organic traffic in the cases of Facebook and Google. That’s the reason why optimization and success of traffic decrease.

However, with popunders, attribution still works. As they go with direct links where you can see all the data, in all trackers, you see 1:1 information as it was. So traffic performance is high: you can optimize it fast without problems.

It is the main advantage of popunders for those who work with iOS.

3) A lot of traffic

Some teams work with substantial traffic volumes, but they are still enough for everyone. I didn’t believe it initially, but we also did up to 500,000 spends.

4) No problems with bans

On Facebook, you always have to farm accounts and then launch them, farm, and again launch. With ad networks, you have one account and can work with it. It’s easier with moderation, too.

5) Creatives live longer

On Facebook, creatives usually work only 1–2 weeks. With ad networks, they can live up to half a year.

However, of course, there are some pitfalls in pushes and pops, too:

The main problem is that only some apps will succeed on popunder.

You need to understand very well what offer you have and whether it will work.

Therefore, you need to communicate with the managers of the advertising network you want to enter and find out their feedback if there are successful cases.

What works on popunders:

  • Verticals: mobile utility apps (work well on popunders, but there is a lot of competition, so that it won’t succeed from scratch), Asian Ecommerce, Sweepstakes, Dating.
  • GEOs: you need to test various options for every offer as different ad networks specialize in some of their main GEOs. There’s an ocean of GEOs in Asia, with smaller amounts of Tier 1 and Tier 2 traffic but you need to consider GEO by device.

What’s with devices?

Android has a larger volume of the popunder market built for it, but I haven’t worked much with it.

There are APK utilities where direct downloads operate well.

But you need to understand their differences in the monetization system.

On iOS, there are 99% payments for subscriptions.

Android requires close work with AdMob; profitability comes mostly from In-App ads.

So, take access to spy services for popunders and confidently see what’s spinning now to find opportunities for conversions”.

To allow you to compare different opinions on promotion apps using pushes and pops, Galaksion also asked their team to give their tips.

Here they are!

In terms of benefits, particularly concerning pricing structures within our network, we offer more flexibility to pre-landers and creatives in comparison to platforms such as Facebook.

We can also assist with pre-landers, creatives, and tests, as we have a well-established and free creatives database.

Furthermore, you can test up to 10 creatives in 1 campaign.

We can recommend offers that work specifically on our traffic and advise rates, as our system is unique and we provide optimization services.

If you haven’t worked with Galaksion yet, you can register now with the promo code MOBIDEA15 to get a 15% bonus on deposits of $50 or more and take advantage of direct traffic from trusted website owners — with NO bots and resell.

What Verticals and GEOs to Choose for Apps?


These are primarily utility apps:

VPN: VPN leads the way. It works successfully on both iOS and Android. Top GEOs are:

  • iOS: US, GB, SA, BR, CA, JP, DE, MX, AU, ID, AE, AR, TW
  • Android: IN, US, GB, CA, NG, SA, DE, ID, GH, DZ, ES, CO.

Adblock: Primarily on iOS. GEOs: US, MY, JP, TR.

  • If you want to launch in a GEO not listed, be sure to check traffic volumes.

Cleaner: Mostly for Android. GEOs: IN, ID, TH, KZ, DE, MM, US. It’s recommended to use pre-landers. You can try iOS on IN, but it’s not as profitable.

Other Utilities: It’s hard to recommend anything specific, so feel free to experiment. Browsers, players, scanners, etc., are always a good option. Browsers work well for US, BR on iOS. As for Android, IN, SA, DZ, IT, KR, GB, JP. Players perform well on IN, MA, NP for Android. Utilities in general: Android — IN, KR, SA, AE, ES, ID, IT, GB; iOS — US, BR, MX, ES, GB, JP. However, you can always get advice from your manager. Tell them about your offer and conversion flow, and the manager will provide you with a list of the best GEOs and formats for your offer.

Streaming Service Apps: You can also test streaming service applications. For Android pops: MY, IN, AE, ZA, ID, AR.

Dating Apps: Especially on Android: US, BR, CN, IN, FR, SA, GB. On iOS: US, JP.


  • We highly recommend starting with pre-landers. If you need to get your own, we have a database of converting pre-landers that the manager will share with you.
  • Also, it’s recommended to choose offers with conversion based on installs.
  • Additionally, consulting with the manager before launching is advised. This way, they can provide additional recommendations regarding bids, settings, etc.
  • For CPM campaigns, try different frequencies. If the campaign is POC, frequency and rate should be higher than on POH campaigns.

Push Notifications Apps:

  • Antivirus + Cleaner: Android in EG, DZ, TN, LY, IQ, YE, JO.
  • VPN: Android in JP, SA, DZ, YE, EG.

Try different creatives. We have a multi-creative feature specifically for this. Also, test each user activity setting to understand which users produce more conversions.

Differences between Android and iOS campaigns

iOS apps often give higher payouts, and in some GEOs as Tier 1, competition might be tougher. You might need to spend a bit more during the testing phase for iOS.

In other words, with iOS, initial costs are higher, and there’s less traffic volume, as iOS is always limited and CPM can reach 15–20 dollars”.

Average Rates for Apps in Galaksion


ID 0.25
IN 0.12
US 0.98
SA 0.42
AE 0.30
GB 0.64
ZA 0.61
NG 0.52
DE 0.59
TW 0.35


US 0.35
NG 0.15
MY 0.25
IN 0.06
ZA 0.20

To conclude, pay attention to these 3 points before the start of your campaign and register in Galaksion to start monetizing your apps right now!

  1. Pay attention to KPI at the start — apps often work based on installs and expect a certain percentage of trials or purchases from users. If you don’t meet this, you might face a cutoff. Therefore, it’s necessary to determine limits from scratch, factor in the probable cutoff percentage, and calculate the economics right away.
  2. Don’t get carried away with misleads, as you can accumulate many empty and low-quality installs. At the same time, don’t launch campaigns without a pre-lander or an advertising text, as it won’t be very profitable.
  3. Remember that on expensive GEOs, there’s high competition, so be prepared to raise bids. A low rate will only pass you through to low-converting sites. On top sites, you won’t even get through based on bid. So don’t hesitate to contact your personal manager to get the most up-to-date rates. Moreover, the traffic estimator offered by Galaksion assists you in determining the most suitable rates for your advertising needs: it calculates traffic volumes depending on your chosen rate, GEO, target, and pricing model.



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