NovaXyon Affiliate Marketing How To Create An Associate Website online And Make Cash With It

How To Create An Associate Website online And Make Cash With It


Building an affiliate site is no easy task if you’re a beginner. There’s alot you need to do before your affiliate site starts making money, and any pro will tell you this. 

So if you think you can just
plaster your affiliate link across the web and make money this way, you’re highly mistaken.

I want to go over the basic steps you need to take to
build an affiliate site and make money with it in the shortest time possible. 

What Is An Affiliate Site?

An affiliate site is a site that
promotes affiliate products from a network or individual company. You own the site, but you don’t own the product; you just promote the affiliate products on your site and earn a commission when a sale is made.

The best affiliate sites are those in tiny niches because there isn’t alot of competition. However, most beginners struggle to
get traffic to their affiliate site, which is why most newbies fail with affiliate marketing.

Why Should You Create An Affiliate Site?

There are many
reasons to create an affiliate site, such as:

  • Affiliate sites are easy to make
  • You can work on it while traveling or working a job
  • It’s easy to get into
  • The earning potential is limitless
  • It’s risk-free
  • It’s cheap
  • It can be built quickly

How To Build An Affiliate Site

Building an affiliate site takes a few steps, and I’m going to go through them right now. Follow these steps and you’ll have an affiliate site that is
earning you money in no time at all. 

Here’s the first step:

1) Pick a niche

Successful affiliates don’t sell products that appeal to a large group of people. Instead, they promote products to a small group of people who all share a common interest in something. 

This is called niche marketing, and
picking a niche is very essential to the success of your affiliate site.

Don’t pick a niche randomly. Do your niche research to see what needs and wants are being desired, and then fulfill that “want” with a relevant affiliate product. 

You can use tools like
Spyfu, Semrush, Ahrefs, and Ubersuggest to find out what people are looking for in different niches on the internet.

2) Find a good affiliate program to join

You can find a good affiliate program to join by signing up for
affiliate networks that are all around the web. 

An affiliate network is a gateway or “middleman” between affiliates and merchants. Merchants list their affiliate programs on the networks, and affiliates join the network to
find affiliate programs to promote.

Some of the best affiliate networks and affiliate platforms online are:

3) Find good products to promote

Once you’ve signed up for an affiliate network, it’s time to find affiliate products to promote. You’ll want to start off with products in the niche that you want to sell in. 

Once you have a list of products in your niche that you can choose from, check to see if they have the following things going for them:

  • A high commission rate
  • A high profit per sale
  • Testimonials
  • A good sales letter
  • Promotional material for you to use
  • A money-back guarantee
  • A trackable affiliate link

All of these things will make it easier for you to sell an affiliate product as fast as possible.

4) Choose a domain name for your affiliate site

Now that you have the niche research done, it’s time to focus on building your affiliate site. This starts with picking a
domain name for your website.

Pick a domain name that is relevant to the niche that you’re in. So if you’re promoting pottery products, choose a domain name such as, ““.

There are many places you can buy a domain name from. Some of them are:

  • 1&1 Domains
  • Hover
  • Google Domains
  • GoDaddy
  • Sedo
  • Yahoo Domains

5) Choose a web hosting company that will host your affiliate site

There are alot of
web hosting companies online that can host your affiliate site. Some of the most popular are:

  • Duda
  • WordPress
  • Wix
  • Weebly
  • Hostgator
  • Yahoo Web Hosting
  • Blogger

You will want to compare and contrast the features that each web host provides before you make your final decision. I use
Duda and it’s awesome. But it does require some website design expertise.

WordPress is a favorite amongst beginners, and Blogger is the easiest to get set up with.

6) Start creating content for your affiliate site

Now that you have your niche, product, and website, it’s time to
start creating content. You have the option to write the content yourself or to hire someone to create content for you.

I personally prefer to write the content myself, as hiring writers can become expensive, and sometimes they do a poor job.

Make sure you
don’t plagiarize content from others, and use a tool like
Grammarly to proofread your content before posting it on your site.

Some of the best kinds of content to create for your affiliate site are:

7) Build an email list

Building an email list is what’s going to make your affiliate site profitable. You want to
build a list of opt-in email subscribers that you can market to over and over again. 

You can promote your affiliate link to them every day or every week, and
see your affiliate income rise steadily over time. 

These are the
best people to market to because they’ve already demonstrated that they’re interested in what you’re talking about.

I use for my autoresponder email marketing campaigns, but there are other companies that you can choose from.

8) Promote your affiliate site content using social media

Being active on social media is a great way to get traffic to your affiliate site. Some of the best social media sites to join and promote your content on are:

  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest

Try to find
influencers on these sites that can help spread the word about your site, and focus on building a huge following. 

9) Optimize your affiliate site for the search engines

SEO or “search engine optimization” is very important to do if you want your affiliate site to get found online. Plus it’s absolutely free.

You will want to use SEO tools such as
Spyfu, Semrush, and Ahrefs to see where you stand with your rankings, and how to improve your positions in the search engines.

Focus on writing high-quality content that will get people linking back to your site. The more
high-quality backlinks you can get to your site, the higher your site will rank in the search engine results.

And the higher your site ranks in the search engines, the
more traffic you will get.

10) Track everything

You will want to
set up a tracking system to see where your affiliate marketing campaign is standing at all times. Google Analytics is the preferred choice amongst affiliate marketers when it comes to tracking all activity related to their affiliate site.

Track your affiliate link clicks, cost per lead, email opt-in rate,
cost per sale, email link clicks, and more so that you know your metrics.

Knowing all of these things will let you know what
areas of your site or marketing you need to improve on so that you can make more money without investing more in advertising – and without investing more time into marketing.

Final Thoughts

Building a money-making affiliate site is simple, and you don’t have to be a genius to create one. All you need to do is
follow practical steps to marketing and making money, and you will have an affiliate site that is profitable in no time at all.

Once you build one affiliate site that’s making money for you, what’s stopping you from building another affiliate site that’s profitable for you?
The sky’s the limit!

It’s not
“too good to be true”. Many people are
making 6-figure incomes with affiliate marketing, and you can too. Just follow the proven path to success, and your affiliate site can be profitable also.


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