NovaXyon Affiliate Marketing How To Do Associate Advertising Key phrase Analysis

How To Do Associate Advertising Key phrase Analysis


Proper affiliate marketing keyword research is critical when you’re doing
SEO for your website. There are alot of options out there when it comes to marketing your affiliate website, but one of the best options for affiliate marketers is

And when doing SEO, if you don’t target your keywords correctly, you’ll reach no one with your content. So proper affiliate marketing keyword research is necessary if you want to get your
website content seen, and if you want to boost your affiliate commissions.

I want to give you some practical advice on how to conduct proper affiliate marketing keyword research so that you’re not in the dark when
driving traffic to your website.

How To Do Keyword Research For Affiliate Sites

There’s a step-by-step process you need to take when doing keyword research for your affiliate website. Most affiliates overlook these steps which are the main causes of their
failure in affiliate marketing.

If you can follow these simple steps, you’ll be on your way to
driving traffic and making money with the affiliate programs you’re promoting.

Here’s the first step for doing affiliate marketing keyword research:

1) Choose a profitable niche

You will achieve success in affiliate marketing when you
find a profitable niche and build a website around something that you love.

Let’s say for example you decided to enter into the “vegan” niche. If you’re a vegan (for example), and you entered into this niche, you will see that there’s alot of opportunity for you to earn money here.

There are various kinds of affiliate products that you can choose to promote here. Some great ideas that came to me when I searched on Google are:

  • Personal hygiene products that are cruelty-free
  • SunBasket, Daily Harvest, Sakara, and other vegan meal delivery services
  • Cruelty-free beauty products

Your goal when doing affiliate marketing keyword research is to find buyer-intent keywords that lead to
affiliate sales. You want to make sure these keywords are low in competition and easy to rank for. 

Also, try to find keywords around trends in your niche that you can capitalize on. This is good for finding hot topics that can lead directly to an
affiliate sale for a particular product.

2) Focus on search intent when doing keyword research

Some people in your niche know exactly what their problems are, and some people don’t have a clue. 

Therefore, to target those people who know exactly what their problems are, you will want to focus on targeting specific affiliate keywords to help these people
find your affiliate products and buy immediately.

One of the best ways to target specific keywords is by targeting “phrase match keywords”. A phrase match keyword is a keyword that commonly
combines 2-3 words and has a high search volume.

If we go back to our vegan example from above, some good phrase match keywords would be: “top vegan diets”, “best vegan diets”, or “healthy vegan diet”.

  • Product comparison keywords

When doing affiliate marketing keyword research, another kind of keyword that you will want to target is product comparison keywords. These are keywords that compare two companies that sell similar products.

These kinds of keywords
convert well and typically have low competition. A great example of this would be:
“Hellmann’s Vegan Mayo” vs “Heinz Vegan Mayo”.

Product review keywords are keywords that lead to an
in-depth review of a particular product. Affiliate marketers love these kinds of keywords because they almost always lead to an affiliate sale after the person reads the review.

Examples of product review keywords are: “Plant Perfect Vegan Mayo review”, “Primal Kitchen Mayo review”, and “Hellmann’s Vegan Mayo review”.

Freebie keywords are keywords people type in when they’re not looking to buy a product, but rather they’re looking for free information that can provide them with an alternative to a product. 

So instead of a reader searching for “Hellmann’s Vegan Mayo”, they’d enter a
freebie keyword such as “vegan mayo recipe”. With this approach, they can choose the ingredients they want to put into their body if they don’t agree with the ingredients that a well-known product may have.

Seasonal keywords aren’t searched for alot throughout the entire year, but when
specific seasons come around they’re highly popular. Holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Black Friday produce keywords that get alot of searches, conversions, and sales.

So when the seasons change or when specific holidays come around, it’s good to focus on these keywords because it’s a time during the year when your
sales can spike. It’s best to take advantage of the festive events of the year.

4 Keyword Research Tools You Can Use

To make your affiliate marketing keyword research duties easier, you’ll want to enlist the help of some
popular tools online.

There are a few that I use regularly and I want to share them with you. Here are some of my favorites:

  • Google Keyword Planner – A free tool provided by Google for people with a lower budget, but still want decent keyword information
  • Ubersuggest – A great tool for beginners and intermediates that provides insights from competitor websites and Google searches to give you a
    strong keyword strategy for your affiliate blog
  • SEMrush – A leader in the keyword tool industry that helps affiliate marketers do keyword research and base their entire content strategy based on these keyword results

Final Thoughts On Affiliate Marketing Keyword Research

Affiliate marketing keyword research is essential if you want to get the right people to your affiliate site and
boost your commissions. Now that you know a little more about affiliate marketing keyword research, you should be able to conduct your keyword research a little better now.

Make sure you follow
general guidelines of SEO such as keyword density, keyword stuffing, internal linking strategy, and content cohesiveness. 

Make sure the keywords you’re targeting are directly related to the affiliate product that you’re trying to promote so that there’s a smooth transition into the
affiliate sales funnel.

If you want to target different niche audiences, mix long-tail keywords with phrase-match keywords to expand your base. By using different keyword strategies you will find what works best for you. 

Affiliate marketing keyword research is all about
generating revenue from the keywords that you select. And now that you know how to target the right kind of keywords for your website and content,
generating affiliate revenue should be a bit easier now.


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