NovaXyon Affiliate Marketing Amazon Associate Advertising: Is It Price It?

Amazon Associate Advertising: Is It Price It?


Are you looking to do Amazon affiliate marketing? It’s a proven way to make money online, and lots of people are making a great income using it. Officially it’s called the
“Amazon Associates Program”, and it’s a popular affiliate program that people are using to monetize their websites.

Now as infamous as the Amazon Associates Program is, it’s not a walk in the park. You do have to put in some work and orchestrate a
few marketing strategies that actually work. I want to delve deeper into Amazon affiliate marketing, and how you can make it work for you.

What Is The Amazon Associates Program?

Amazon Associates Program is a program where affiliates are paid for every successful Amazon sale that they help generate. It’s a pay-per-sale affiliate marketing model, and there are thousands of products that you can promote.

It’s one of the oldest affiliate programs on the internet, and Amazon helped to pioneer this marketing concept. Amazon accounts for over
40% of all purchases made online, so it’s the perfect venue for you to make money online.

If you can master Amazon affiliate marketing, you can have your share of the pie of this billion-dollar business.

How It Works

Amazon affiliate marketing works virtually the same as other affiliate marketing models. Here’s how it works:

1) You send people to a product page via your
Amazon affiliate link

2) People buy the product from Amazon within 24 hours

3) You’re paid a commission for the sale that you’ve helped generated within the 24-hour period

affiliate commission will depend on the product you’re promoting and the product category that it’s in.

Every time a customer is redirected by your affiliate link, the 24-hour purchasing period is refreshed.

Why You Should Do Amazon Affiliate Marketing

Who doesn’t want the freedom that affiliate marketing gives? But doing Amazon affiliate marketing gives you an added benefit:
High conversion rates.

Along with high conversion rates, here are a few more reasons why you should do Amazon affiliate marketing:

  • It’s easy to start, all you have to do is sign up and get approved

Signing up for the Amazon Associates Program is simple and easy.

While some
affiliate networks give instant approval, Amazon has to approve you first. But most new affiliates are immediately approved.

  • People trust buying from Amazon

Millions of people have the Amazon app (including me!), and they buy from it all the time

  • You have millions of products to promote and choose from

The kind of products you can promote are endless. From books to electronics to clothes and more, the sky’s the limit.

  • You get paid for every product purchased by someone within a 24 hour period

This means you’ll get paid for every single product someone buys on Amazon within 24 hours of clicking on your affiliate link

Disadvantages Of Amazon Affiliate Marketing

Here are a few disadvantages of partnering with Amazon:

  • Your affiliate commission is dependent on your product category

The commission rate can be incredibly small for some product categories.

In some categories (ex: video games) you’ll only earn a
1% commission for every sale made

  • You need a steady stream of traffic already coming to your website

Generating a consistent stream of traffic to your website can be difficult if you’re not skilled at traffic generation.

Typically you need to learn SEO, and this takes a while to master and see results from

Even if you were to promote a $2,000 item on Amazon and you only receive a 5% commission on the item, you’ll only make $100. 

Selling $2,000 items is difficult, and to do all of that work for $100 may not be worth it to you.

Tips For Earning Money As An Amazon Affiliate

Affiliate marketing takes time and isn’t an
overnight riches” business. If you already have a blog or website, you need to make sure your website and content follow Amazon’s guidelines.

But once your site and content are
100% compliant, you’re all set to sell. 

Here are some tips for success:

Go into a niche

You first need to
find a lucrative niche that you feel comfortable writing and creating content about. Once you have the niche down packed, all that’s left is finding suitable products that gel with the theme of your website.

Create content weekly

Creating content is a vitally important part of making money with the Amazon Associates Program. This will be your primary task when you
promote Amazon products.

You can create content in a variety of ways, such as:

New content ensures that people will have a reason to come back to your site for more helpful information. The more people coming back to your site, the higher the chances are that you’ll sell more of your Amazon products.

Do keyword research

When it comes to
SEO, you need to do keyword research so that you know the
keyword terms to rank for when people do searches on Google. Google relies on keywords to help users find the most relevant search results.

Are you stuck on ideas of what keywords to target? You can use tools such as:

All of these tools will help you find product-related
long-tail keywords that you can create content around. Content is king, and the more of it you have, the more chances you have to make commissions on the Amazon products you’re promoting.

Final Thoughts On Amazon Affiliate Marketing

Amazon affiliate marketing is a way for people to
start their own home business in a low-risk, non-confrontational manner.

Once you start in the Amazon Associates Program, you will have alot of products to start promoting. Starting in a niche that you already know about is
highly recommended.

If you don’t know much about anything (which is rare), consider promoting products that alot of content can be created about. 

Also, consider selling products which you’ll earn a
high commission for. This will alleviate the pain of having to sell hundreds or thousands of items just to make some decent money.

If you have perseverance and you work hard, you can skyrocket your success with Amazon affiliate marketing.


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