NovaXyon Affiliate Marketing CPA Associate Advertising For Novices

CPA Associate Advertising For Novices


If you’re an active affiliate, you’ve more than likely heard of CPA affiliate marketing.
CPA affiliate marketing can be a profitable stream of revenue for you, and there are alot of CPA networks that have alot of great offers. 

I want to go over how you can
harness CPA affiliate marketing for your benefit, and how to join the top CPA networks in the industry.

What Is CPA Affiliate Marketing?

CPA affiliate marketing is a form of
affiliate marketing that is performance-based. CPA stands for “cost per action”, and in this affiliate business model, affiliates are paid each time a customer or website visitor completes a specific action. 

Examples of the actions visitors can take are:

  • Signing up for a free offer

CPA is kind of a broad term because CPA offers can fall into different categories. Take a look at the following examples of CPA categories:

PPI – Pay Per Install

With this CPA affiliate marketing model, an affiliate gets paid every time a visitor
installs a software program

CPL – Cost Per Lead

With this CPA affiliate marketing model, an affiliate gets paid for
each lead that is generated. You could get paid for generating an email address, a phone number, a registration, or other forms of data that help a company contact the lead.

CPS – Cost Per Sale

With this CPA affiliate marketing model, an affiliate gets paid for
each sale that is generated. This is probably the most difficult form of CPA affiliate marketing, but it’s often the most profitable. 

CPC – Cost Per Click

With this CPA affiliate marketing model, you get paid when people
click on ads on your website.

To begin promoting different CPA offers, you will need to sign up with a
CPA network.
A CPA network is a network that connects an affiliate and a company with an offer. Once you join a CPA network, you’ll get to choose what offers you want to promote, and then you’ll start getting paid for each completed action.

Believe it or not, there are
tons of CPA networks that you can sign up for as an affiliate, but you have to be wary of some of these networks. So choosing the right CPA network to join is of utmost importance, and I will discuss some of the best networks in the next section.

4 Of The Best CPA Networks

Even though there are tons of CPA networks, I’ve listed
4 of the best networks that you can join so that you promote only the best offers and get the top marketing tools to make money with. Let’s take a look at the first CPA network:


MaxBounty is probably the most well-known CPA network online. It has an affiliate base of over
20,000 affiliates and has over hundreds of offers that you can choose from. 

If you have some
experience in marketing, you’ll more than likely get accepted onto the platform. And once you’re accepted, you’ll get assigned an affiliate manager that keeps you abreast of the latest offers that are best suited for you. 

MaxBounty pays weekly and their minimum payment is

Here’s another CPA affiliate marketing network you can join:


CPATrend is a network where you can find
CPL, CPI, CPS, and CPC offers. It’s a trustworthy network with a good reputation, and the offers on this platform are solid.

Payout methods involve
Paypal, Payoneer, and checks – and payouts are made monthly, bi-weekly, or weekly depending on your success on the platform. Their minimum payment threshold is

Here’s another CPA affiliate marketing network you can join:


CPALead is a fast-growing network with alot of great offers for affiliates. To help you monetize your traffic, it offers native ads, banner ads, pop-ups, and pop-under ads to help you make money.

When you sign up for CPALead, you can get started right away. They have a 24-hour support team, giving you help around the clock no matter where you live. If you’re
new to CPA affiliate marketing but want to easily monetize your website traffic, CPALead is a good place to start.

They can pay daily with a minimum payout of 75 cents.

Here’s another CPA affiliate marketing network you can join:


With Adsterra, you get access to over
200 offers from the different advertisers on the platform. They accept clean traffic from sources such as:

Adsterra specializes in CPL and CPI models, and some of the verticals on the network include gaming, software, mobile subscriptions, VPN, and anti-virus solutions.

They can pay weekly or bi-weekly, and their minimum payout is

How Much Can You Make With CPA Affiliate Marketing?

As with any business online, the amount of money you can make with CPA affiliate marketing will vary depending on your experience, the offer you’re promoting, your website traffic levels, and the payout of each offer. 

However, you should know that your
affiliate commissions can greatly increase depending on the CPA model you choose. Commissions are generally higher for sales as opposed to generating leads or sign-ups.

The more experience you get and the more success you achieve on some networks, the higher quality offers you’ll get from the network and affiliate managers. CPA affiliate marketing can become very profitable, with some
affiliates earning more than $10,000/month with their affiliate offers.

Final Thoughts On CPA Affiliate Marketing

CPA affiliate marketing is a form of affiliate marketing that alot of beginners can get started with to earn easy income online. CPL and CPC programs give beginners a way to
earn money easily as there isn’t a high barrier to making the conversion. 

You should
join different CPA networks to see what each has to offer for your website and to see which offers are easiest for you to promote. 

Make sure you
test and track your campaigns to see which offers are making you the most money. Before you spend money on paid ads, conduct experiments to see which kind of offers will yield the most money for you. 

If you can find an affiliate offer that offers
recurring commissions, consider this offer seriously as it can pay you for each month that a customer stays enrolled in the program. In some cases, it can provide you with lifetime monthly commissions.

Even though CPS affiliate marketing is the most difficult, it’s often the
most profitable form of CPA affiliate marketing that you will encounter. 


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