NovaXyon Affiliate Marketing How To Force Site visitors To Your Associate Hyperlink

How To Force Site visitors To Your Associate Hyperlink


Are you wondering
how to drive traffic to your affiliate link? Alot of affiliates struggle with generating traffic, and because of it, their affiliate commissions suffer.

If you’re tired of seeing low amounts of traffic to your affiliate site and tired of seeing $0 commissions every day, I want to help you. I want to show you how to drive traffic to your affiliate link so that you can get more leads, sales, and
success with your affiliate marketing efforts.

Here’s the first tip I have for you on how to drive traffic to your affiliate link:

1) Run Paid Ads

Paid advertising is the fastest and easiest way to drive high-quality traffic to your affiliate site. It takes quite a bit of time before you can build up alot of traffic to your affiliate site using free methods, but with paid advertising, you can get traffic fast.

I recommend using Google Ads, Facebook Ads, banner ads, and advertising on high-traffic websites to drive
immediate traffic to your website. When running paid ads, you must know your conversion rates, and know how much commissions you will earn per sale so that you can
profit on each transaction.

If you’re
promoting big-ticket affiliate programs, it makes sense to run paid ads that are cheap and that bring you high-quality traffic.

But if you’re promoting a product that earns you $30 per sale, and the cost of advertising is $50, it doesn’t make sense to run paid ads in this scenario – because you don’t get access to the customer after the transaction.

Here’s the next tip I have on how to drive traffic to your affiliate link:

2) Create Youtube Videos

Creating Youtube videos is an excellent way to drive traffic to your affiliate link. Youtube is the
second largest search engine on the internet (behind Google), and the amount of traffic that you can get from it is staggering. Plus, creating videos for Youtube is free!

To get the most out of Youtube, I recommend signing up to a Youtube keyword search tool called
VidIQ gives you the keywords people are typing in on Youtube so that you can create videos around these keywords, and appear high in the search results when people type in their queries. 

Make sure your
video title and thumbnail are very descriptive and interesting so that you can inspire people to click on your video. 

Here’s the next tip I have on how to drive traffic to your affiliate link:

3) Utilize Social Media

Alot of
successful affiliates are using social media as a way to drive traffic to their affiliate site, and it’s one of the easiest traffic sources for affiliate marketing. This is especially true if your audience hangs out on social media alot, and you have important content to share with them.

I enjoy participating in communities and groups that are relevant to the product I’m promoting. I make sure to be helpful with my posts but also link to my content at the same time. You will find alot of people linking directly to their affiliate links in their posts, but this is a
terrible way to market an affiliate link.

be helpful to the group,
comment on posts, encourage people to follow you on the social network, and submit helpful articles and blog posts of yours that build up your credibility, and get more eyeballs on your offers. 

Some of my favorite social media platforms to participate on are:

  • LinkedIn
  • SlideShare
  • Facebook
  • Reddit
  • Medium
  • Twitter

Here’s the next tip I have on how to drive traffic to your affiliate link:

4) Get Repeat Traffic From Your Email List

If you already have an email list, one of the easiest ways to get traffic back to your site is to get people on your list to
repeatedly come back to your affiliate site. Think about it for a second. These people like you, enjoy your email content, think your affiliate offers sound genuine, and want to hear from you as much as possible.

You should encourage your email list to
subscribe to your blog’s email newsletter so that they can get updates whenever you make a new blog post. That way when you post something new to your blog, an automatic email will get sent out to your list notifying them of your new content, and they can come and read it. 

Be sure to
sprinkle relevant affiliate links in your blog post so that people can click on them and sign up under your links if they find it helpful. Don’t underestimate your email list’s value, and continue to feed them helpful content in every way that you know how.

Here’s the next tip I have on how to drive traffic to your affiliate link:

5) Write Guest Blog Posts

Writing guest blog posts is a great way to get
free traffic and high-quality
do-follow backlinks to your affiliate site. More do-follow backlinks pointing to your site help with
SEO and your rankings in search engines. To get started with writing guest blog posts, you want to do a simple Google search.

All you have to do is type in a simple search query to find a TON of blogs and websites that accept guest blog posts. No matter your niche, your search query should look like this:

  • [your niche] blog + “write for us”

So if you’re in the gardening niche, you would type in:

  • gardening blogs + “write for us”

If you’re in the cooking niche, you would type in:

  • cooking blogs + “write for us”

If you’re in the bodybuilding niche, you would type in:

  • bodybuilding blogs + “write for us”

There are tons of websites on the internet looking for people who can contribute high-quality content to their websites. And the best part about it is that it’s all free. Plus, you can
boost your affiliate commissions tenfold.

But you have to make sure you follow their guest post guidelines and write superior articles that will make the cut. Once you get approved and have a
relationship with the blog owner, you can write more blog posts that get you traffic, and get you more do-follow links pointing back to your website.

Final Thoughts On How To Drive Traffic To Your Affiliate Link

These tips on how to drive traffic to your affiliate link work amazingly well no matter what niche you’re in. I enjoy writing articles as this is my skill, but if you have an affinity for creating videos, start with Youtube marketing.

People will indeed
click on your affiliate links if they find your content helpful and if you mention a resource in the description of your videos.

You will want to pick and choose the traffic sources that flow gently with the
affiliate product you’re promoting. Remember not to sell, but to
offer helpful content first when marketing on social media, emails, and on your blog. Consider leading people to a free offer or a product review page if you’re doing paid advertising. 

Be consistent with your traffic efforts, and pick the strategies that come naturally and easily to you. You don’t have to use every trick in the book, but it’s nice to have options.


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