NovaXyon Affiliate Marketing How To Release An Associate Electronic mail Advertising Marketing campaign

How To Release An Associate Electronic mail Advertising Marketing campaign


Launching an affiliate email marketing campaign is more important than you know. You must
market your affiliate products to people who are interested in what you have to sell, and
selling via email is one of the best ways to convert undecided prospects into hot buyers.

The money is in the email list, and if you can create a powerful affiliate email marketing campaign that turns lookers into buyers, you’ll be rewarded with
more affiliate commissions than you’ve ever gotten before.

Email marketing isn’t a waste of time. Studies show that it takes an average of 7-10 email attempts to a prospect before they make a purchase. So if you’re currently sending people to your affiliate link before there’s any pre-selling or “warming up“, you’re missing out on a ton of sales that you could be making.

I want to show you how setting up an affiliate email marketing campaign can change your business life, and how it can put you on the path to more affiliate commissions than ever before.

How To Launch An Affiliate Email Marketing Campaign

Step 1: Choose An Email Autoresponder Service

Choosing the right email autoresponder service is the first step to launching your affiliate email marketing campaign. I personally use as their automation tools make it easy for me to run my business smoothly. Some of the features that they offer are:

  • The ability to send broadcast messages
  • Automatic email follow-up sending
  • Blog subscription notification service
  • Pop-up and hover ad creation
  • Double confirm opt-in subscription service

Aweber helps you to stay in compliance with email communication guidelines, and also offers you
videos and tips for best practices when it comes to having success with your campaigns. 

It’s free to join Aweber, but when your list grows past a certain point, you will have to subscribe to their pro plan – which starts at
$19.99 per month.

Step 2: Generate Leads

Step 2 to launching your affiliate email marketing campaign is
collecting subscribers. If you’re new to generating leads, this can be a learning curve, but I assure you that it’s incredibly easy.

You will need a landing page and a
subscriber opt-in form to get started. Creating an opt-in form is easy and they have simple tutorials that show you how to make one. 

Even if you don’t know much about HTML coding, it’s easy to insert the code for your opt-in form on your website. If this doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, you can have someone on
Fiverr insert the code on your website for only $5. 

When it comes to generating leads, I advise that you stick with
“opt-in email marketing”. This is a form of email marketing where you get permission from someone to email them with marketing communication. This is typically done by offering something for free in exchange for a prospect giving you their email address. 

This way you can demonstrate your credibility with your free offer, and then follow up on them with more tips via email that also include affiliate links to your sales offer.

3: Create Your Email Sequence

Step 3 in creating your affiliate email marketing campaign is
creating your email sequence. This is the sequence of emails that you will send out to your leads once they’ve subscribed to your list.

When creating your emails,
be helpful,
and don’t come off as a salesperson. You want to create your emails in a way that guides your leads through the buying process.

Here’s a typical
5-day email sequence that you can use when you’ve generated your lead:

Email 1: Welcome them and tell them what they can expect from you

Email 2: Address a common problem they’re facing and provide a solution that’s coming in the next email

Email 3: Re-address the problem and offer the solution in the form of your affiliate link

Email 4: Give them helpful information they can use to solve their problem

Email 5: Address a different problem they’re having and offer a solution to that problem in the form of your affiliate link

You can tweak this sequence as you see fit depending on what you know about your niche and the problems that people are having. This is a simple process you can take to
make your first affiliate sale, and it’s been proven to work over and over again.

Step 4: Test And Track Everything

Step 4 in your affiliate email marketing campaign should be to
test and track your progress.
You want to know who’s subscribing, where they’re coming from, how many people are opening your emails, how many people are clicking your affiliate link, how many people are buying, how many people are unsubscribing, etc.

One important thing to test and track is your
email subject lines. This is very important because you can have the best email in the world, but if it doesn’t get opened, it’s worthless. So make sure you write compelling email subject lines that get your emails opened and read. 

Aweber offers
free tracking tools that can track all of the above metrics I’ve mentioned above and more. Take advantage of all of these tracking features so that you know where you stand during each part of the marketing process.

If you discover that alot of people are unsubscribing after email #4 (for example), change that email or delete it entirely so that you can
minimize the number of people unsubscribing from your list. This will only help you to make more money in the long run and keep more people on your list.

Final Thoughts On Creating An Affiliate Email Marketing Campaign

Email marketing is a powerful way to
supercharge your affiliate sales, and it’s the cornerstone of many
successful super affiliates internet businesses. 

If you can create affiliate email marketing campaigns that lead people step-by-step through the buying process, you’ll vastly increase the chances of them buying from you sooner rather than later. 

After all, email marketing boasts an
ROI of $42 for every dollar spent – so this is a medium that you definitely want to be using in your affiliate marketing campaigns.

Remember, to launch your affiliate email marketing campaign, you should:

  • Choose an email autoresponder
  • Create your email campaign
  • Test and track everything

If you can follow these 4 simple steps, you’ll be on your way to improving your affiliate commissions right away, and start enjoying the
affiliate lifestyle that you so desperately seek.


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