NovaXyon Affiliate Marketing [Case Study] 146% ROI from Easy mVAS Be offering in Tier 3 GEOs

[Case Study] 146% ROI from Easy mVAS Be offering in Tier 3 GEOs



Are push ads really dead?

Far from it! This case study is the proof.

In this case study, I’ll show you how a simple push ads campaign can generate exciting revenues through a combination of irresistible offers, top-notch traffic sources, and reliable support.

Initial Set-up

I wanted to use push notification ads specific to Tier 3 GEOs.

Push notification ads have become an innovative tool in the online marketing landscape, offering a direct line of communication with users.

These targeted messages can result in high engagement rates, as they appear directly on the user’s device as a notification without the need for them to browse a website or use an app.

If you’d like to learn more about how to run push ads campaigns, check Mobidea Academy’s Push Notification Ads Guide.

My initial research revealed several ad networks that have substantial push ads traffic in their chosen countries. One of these ad networks was PropellerAds.

With a traffic volume of more than 250 billion impressions monthly for push ads alone, PropellerAds is definitely a good choice, so it was used together with a few other top push notification advertising networks.

The next step was to find mobile content subscription offers, and this was done with the help of the marketer’s affiliate manager from Mobidea. The manager handpicked a few promising mVAS offers that allow push ads for traffic.

Then, I utilized BeMob as the tracking tool to monitor campaign performance, optimize targeting, and measure ROI. (Find out what we think about BeMob here.)

Here’s a quick summary of the digital marketer’s setup:

  • Affiliate Network: Mobidea
  • Offer Type/Goal: Mobile content subscriptions/mVAS
  • GEO: Tier 3 countries
  • Ad Format: Push notifications
  • Traffic Source: Primarily PropellerAds, supplemented by other sources

Campaign Launch

Launching the campaign in PropellerAds was proven to be a wise decision as it delivered the lion’s share of the traffic.

But this was no “set it and forget it” operation. I was constantly on the watch, eyes glued to the ever-changing performance metrics through the lens of BeMob’s tracking capabilities.

See also: Best Affiliate Tracking Platforms

They tweaked and nudged various parameters — ad creatives, targeting options, traffic segments — all dancing to the tune of optimization. The affiliate manager’s insights also proved valuable in improving the campaign.

The aim was to enhance conversion rates to make the campaign not just good, but great.

This strategy proved to be successful. I was able to narrow down to one high-converting offer, which paid out $0.235 per conversion.

After more testing, the affiliate manager saw that not only was it converting well, but the quality was also pretty good. As a result, the payout was bumped to $0.24, and the conversion cap for this offer was increased to 500 conversions a day!


The campaign not only met expectations but also surpassed them in a spectacular fashion. After narrowing down to just one offer, the campaign received more than 3,500 conversions, with a pleasing conversion rate of 6.7%.

Here are the campaign highlights and results:

  • Offer: Mobile Content
  • Offer Payout: $0.235 – $0.24 per conversion
  • Revenue: $837.36
  • Spent: $340
  • Profit: $497.21
  • ROI: 146.28%
  • Daily Cap/Conversion Limit: 500 conversions

These figures not only demonstrate the effectiveness of the campaign but also provide valuable insights into the potential of push ads for marketers in Tier 3 countries.

On the revenue front, the campaign was a grand slam, raking in a whopping $837.36, a testament to the allure of the offer and the marketer’s calculated strategy.

offers stats

Regarding advertising costs, the campaign had a lean spend of just $340, thereby maximizing the profit margin.

This frugality, coupled with high revenue, resulted in a handsome profit of $497.21, underscoring the successful selection of the offer, deftly chosen traffic sources (PropellerAds, mostly), and diligent optimization efforts.

campaign stats

Finally, the cherry on top of this sweet sundae was the impressive ROI, calculated at 146.28%.

This figure put a glaring spotlight on the campaign’s remarkable profitability, a hard-earned victory!

Key Takeaways

This campaign just proves how beneficial it is to test offers and ad networks until you are able to narrow down to the best options, and also to have a good relationship with your affiliate manager.

Not only was the Mobidea affiliate manager able to provide good offers to run, but their insights were instrumental in narrowing down to the best one.

The increase in the offer payout and conversions cap were also crucial in helping the marketer get a good profit and ROI.

The triumphant run of this campaign fired up my ambition to venture further.

I was encouraged to consider additional mVAS offers recommended by the affiliate manager and expand my promotion efforts.

If you’d like to work in an affiliate network that values its affiliates and works closely with them, sign up for a Mobidea account today.

They’d be happy to help you achieve the same results or even better!



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