NovaXyon Affiliate Marketing Making Cash With Native Associate Advertising and marketing

Making Cash With Native Associate Advertising and marketing


If you’re tired of low-grade affiliate offers, low affiliate commissions, and high competition in the world of
traditional affiliate marketing, then
local affiliate marketing may be your answer.

With local affiliate marketing, you could be the only affiliate in a
lucrative niche market making an easy
$200 – $500 per referral.

You’d be genuinely helping people connect with businesses that can help them solve a particular problem that they have. So you can earn money and feel good about it at the same time.

Plus, you could
earn high commissions without having to deal with stingy competition either.

Are you ready to discover the low-down about local affiliate marketing? Well if so, then let’s get started!

What Is Local Affiliate Marketing?

Local affiliate marketing is when you promote the products and services of a
business in your local area. 

In fact, you can promote the products and services of a local business in
ANY geographical area.

All you’d be doing is contacting these local businesses and offering them your marketing help. So for example, you’d be helping them get more leads, and in return,
they’d pay you a commission for every lead you send them.

Here’s typically how it would work:

1) You contact a local business in your area (or any area)

2) You strike a deal where you send them leads in exchange for a commission

3) You specify the type of leads you’d be sending them (email, walk-in, phone, etc)

4) You provide the qualified leads for them

5) You track the results

A deal like this is certain to interest alot of local businesses especially if business is slow and they need to drum up more activity. Plus, they’ll be
glad to work with you if…

  • The leads you send them are good
  • Your cost per lead is low
  • Their profit per lead is high

Why Does Local Affiliate Marketing Work?

Local affiliate marketing works for a wide variety of reasons, such as:

1) Most local businesses need help with online marketing

Believe it or not, alot of local businesses have
no idea how to integrate internet marketing into their offline business. 

They either feel that it’s too difficult, too time-consuming, too complicated, or too technical.

You can appear as their
internet expert and totally take over the online lead generation aspect of their business. 

If you can prove your worth expertise-wise, they’ll be willing to deal with you – especially since you’d be
than a digital marketing agency.

2) Local SEO is easier

I’m pretty sure you’re familiar with the general process of
how SEO works. But believe it or not, local SEO is even easier. Yet alot of local businesses still don’t know how to do it effectively.

keyword competition will be much lower as you go from city to city, you’ll be able to rank higher and easier as you go from niche to niche.

For example, the keyword term “chiropractor” is certain to draw alot of searches and competition from people trying to sell all kinds of products and services related to this keyword term.

But the keyword term
“chiropractor in charleston, sc” won’t have as much competition. You could help a local chiropractor be the go-to doctor in this area whenever someone types this keyword phrase into Google.

3) PPC is more profitable also

Pay-per-click advertising will be alot cheaper also when it comes to marketing a local business. As we all know, the term “chiropractor” draws immense competition and
high cost-per-clicks on Google Ads and Bing Ads.

But a term like
“chiropractor in charleston, sc” or “chiropractor in waco, tx”
will have much less competition and much lower costs than the general “chiropractor” term. But alot of local businesses don’t know this.

Plus the conversions will be better.

4) Local affiliate marketing can lead to you upselling other services

If you do your job right and you can provide a local business with consistent, high-quality leads, you can add an
additional stream of revenue to your business by offering additional services to them.

For example, you can offer website design services, conversion rate optimization services, email marketing services,
content creation, and more.

3 Examples Of Local Affiliate Marketing

Here are 3 businesses online that are doing local affiliate marketing effectively:

1) is an online directory of practicing lawyers in the United States. It helps people find lawyers of all kinds in their local area.

One way that Nolo makes money is by sending leads to local lawyers. People sign up, find a lawyer, leave their contact information, and the lead
gets referred to the lawyer. This is local affiliate marketing done in the professional services arena. But Nolo is doing it on a much larger scale.


You’ve heard of the Yellow Pages, right? It’s a huge directory of businesses in every city worldwide.

They use the local affiliate marketing model by letting business owners use their “ySearch service” to acquire local traffic and
convert them into leads.

The cost to use the “ySearch service” from can range from $300 – $5,000 a month.


Zomato is a restaurant listing website that makes money selling advertising to local restaurants. One such example of this is the Zomato site that’s based out of India.

When local businesses in India advertise on Zomato, they can get a
specialized Zomato phone number that they can use to receive and track phone calls.

This is an example of how Zomato uses local affiliate marketing, but it’s done with a local advertising twist.

Final Thoughts On Local Affiliate Marketing

Local affiliate marketing is hot right now, and it’s only “hot” because very few affiliate marketers are utilizing it. If you jump on it you could be in a competition-free zone and
rake in huge commissions without doing alot of work.

There are plenty of local businesses willing to fork over a portion of their marketing budget to an individual (like you) who can bring them
high-quality leads every day. The market exists, it’s just up to you to enter into it.

By starting a local affiliate marketing campaign in your local area, you can be
in control of your income, and stand out from the crowd.


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