NovaXyon Affiliate Marketing 7 Tactics To Do Associate Advertising and marketing With out A Web site

7 Tactics To Do Associate Advertising and marketing With out A Web site


Alot of beginners to
affiliate marketing think about the possibility of doing affiliate marketing without a website. It’s an easy way to get started, but is this really a good idea?

There are many drawbacks to
trying to do affiliate marketing without a website, such as:

  • Everything you do to build traffic to your offers can be instantly cut off
  • Social media algorithm updates can affect your business

With that being said, you
DON’T have-to-have a website to make money with affiliate marketing. 

So theoretically speaking, you can still make money this way.

How To Do Affiliate Marketing Without A Website

If you still want to do affiliate marketing without a website
despite what I’ve just told you, here are some practical methods for making it happen:

1) Participate in online communities and forums

Participating in online communities and forums is a great way to
get direct traffic to your affiliate links. 

You can find forums and communities in your niche by searching the Google search results, or you can participate on sites like
Reddit and Quora.

When participating in these sites, your goal is to provide helpful information that makes you seem like an
expert and authority on a topic. People will flock to you for more insider information and will act on the recommendations that you give them.

So when you
recommend an affiliate product that is related to what you’re talking about, people will check it out. Some will buy, and some won’t, but you’ll still earn commission from those who buy from your affiliate link. 

Always remember not to give
junk information to the people on these platforms. This is the fastest way to get ignored. Instead, give great information that will actually help people. 

2) Create Youtube videos

Have you ever seen affiliate links being promoted inside the
description area of a Youtube video? This is the strategy that you will want to mimic when marketing on Youtube.

However, you have to create quality videos first.

Nobody will buy from your affiliate links if your videos are crap. One of the best ways to
make money with affiliate marketing on Youtube is by doing product reviews.

All you have to do is get your hands on products that you want to promote and
perform a demonstration of the product. The more in-depth of a demonstration that you can give the better.

At the end of the video, let viewers know that if they want to get the product, they can order it via the link in the description. It’s best to use an
affiliate link tracker and cloaker like to disguise your links, as most affiliate links can be quite ugly.

You can mix your Youtube channel up with product review videos along with videos where you just provide tips and helpful information about things.

Then at the end of the video, you can
give people a recommendation (your affiliate link) of the best product that can help them achieve what you’ve just taught them. 

There are thousands of affiliate products out there, so the income possibilities of Youtube are endless.

3) Paid advertising

Paid advertising is a personal favorite for me because the results are fast. Depending on the affiliate link structure, you can
drive traffic directly to an affiliate offer and wait for the results to come in.

Sites like Google Ads and Microsoft Ads allow you to drive traffic to an affiliate link,
ONLY if your link is a
“dynamic link”. This means that your raw affiliate link must have the domain name of the destination URL inside of it.

So for example, if the final destination of your affiliate link is:


Your raw affiliate link must look similar to this:


“product-affid=1?” part is just your affiliate tracking ID.

If the final destination URL of your affiliate link is:


And and your raw affiliate link is:


Most PPC advertising platforms probably won’t run your campaign.

However, a workaround to this is hosting your affiliate link on a landing page. You can link your PPC affiliate campaign to a landing page, drive traffic to it, and insert your affiliate link(s) on the page to get clicks to your affiliate offer.

Here’s an article that discusses some of the best paid traffic sources for affiliate marketing:

4) Publish content on content platforms

A site like
Medium is a content platform where you can get free clicks to your affiliate links by publishing articles on this website.

There are more sites on the web like Medium, but this is just 1 great example.

All you have to do is set up a profile, write a blog post, add an affiliate link or 2 (not alot – don’t abuse the
terms of service), and continue this process.

Make sure your published content is good, or no one will want to click through and buy from your affiliate links.

Also, you’ll want to insert an
affiliate link disclosure which tells readers that you’ll earn a commission if they buy from your links.

5) Market on social media

Influencers use social media to
make a killing using affiliate marketing. And they typically don’t have their own website.

You’ll want to view the ways that you can insert affiliate links into your content on social media, as each site’s rules are different. But nevertheless, it’s still
free publicity and free traffic if you’re willing to put in the work.

As I stated, each platform is different, so their rules will determine if you can drive people to a landing page or straight to your affiliate link.

6) Do email marketing

email to promote affiliate offers is one of the best ways to get affiliate commissions. And it can be a free traffic source if you use a free email marketing company to host your
affiliate email marketing funnel.

Platforms like
Aweber and Mailchimp are 2 great services that you can use to do email marketing for free.

With this technique, you want to get people to
sign up for a free offer, and repeatedly send them tips via email that are related to what they signed up for. 

In each email you send,
include a link to your affiliate offer
so that your subscribers can click on it and take action.

Email works great because
people trust you, they like your information, and if the sales page of your affiliate offer is good, your subscribers will more than likely take advantage of the offer. 

Plus, your subscribers will see the offer
over and over again – thus increasing the chances of them buying from you.

7) Start a podcast

Podcasting is a fun and easy way to build an audience of people who want to hear the information that you have to share. 

Podcasting is on the rise, with
millions of people worldwide listening to audio episodes on their favorite devices.

This is a great opportunity for you to
promote your affiliate offers.

The basic technique is to create a podcast about a particular topic and provide helpful tips to your listeners in every new episode that you create.

You can discuss affiliate products that are related to a topic in every episode, and include your affiliate link(s) in the
show notes of the episodes.

The most important thing about this is
telling your listeners to go to the show notes to find the links to your affiliate products. 

If you don’t, no one will find them – which means
no clicks to your affiliate offers.

Final Thoughts

If you want to do affiliate marketing without a website, these are 7 great ways to do it.

Make sure you
go into a niche, as this is the most important tip when it comes to selling anything online.

Also, you will want to find affiliate networks and programs that don’t require you to have a website. Some
affiliate networks that allow you to do this are:

Once you have these 2 things down-packed, it’s time to start promoting your affiliate links.

Doing affiliate marketing without your own website is possible,
but difficult. 

It’s going to be tough for you to get
organic search traffic from Google, and you won’t have your own asset that you can build upon.

So consider building your own website soon, and don’t be afraid of
creating your own affiliate site if you’re intimidated by the idea. 

Good luck with your
affiliate marketing pursuits!


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